Trump and American History Have Been Assassinated

Trump and American History Have Been Assassinated -
Paul Craig Roberts

Partial citation(一部抜粋)
When Trump was elected I wrote that it was unlikely that he would be successful in accomplishing the three objectives for which he was elected—peace with Russia, the return home of offshored US jobs, and effective limits on non-white immigration—because these objectives conflicted with the interests of those more powerful than the president.


I wrote that Trump was unfamiliar with Washington and would fail to appoint a government that would support his goals. I wrote that unless the ruling oligarchy could bring Trump under its control,Trump would be assassinated.


Trump has been brought under control by assassinating him with words rather than with a bullet. With Steve Bannon’s dismissal, there is now no one in Trump’s government who supports him. He is surrounded by Russophobic generals and Zionists.


But this is not enough for the liberal/progressive/left. They want Trump impeached and driven from office.


Marjorie Cohn, whom I have always admired for her defense of civil liberty, has disappointed me. She has written in Truthout, which sadly has become more like PropagandaOut, that the House must bring articles of impeachment against Trump for his abuse of power and before he launches a new civil war and/or nuclear war.


This is an extraordinary conclusion for a normally intelligent person to reach. What power does Trump have? How does he abuse his non-existent power? The ruling Establishment has cut his balls off. He is neutered. Powerless. He has been completely isolated within his own government by the oligarchy.


Even more astonishingly, Marjorie Cohn, together with 100% of the liberal/progressive/left are blind to the fact that they have helped the military/security complex destroy the only leader who advocated peace instead of conflict with the other major nuclear power. Cohn is so deranged by hatred of Trump that she thinks it is Trump who will bring nuclear war by normalizing relations with Russia.


Clearly, the American liberal/progressive/left is no longer capable of rational thought. Hate rules. There is nothing in their lexicon but hate.


The American liberal/progressive/left has degenerated into idiocy. They think that they are fighting “white nationalism” in the White House and that Trump is a champion or symbol of “white nationalism” and that there will be no victory until Trump and all symbols of “white nationalism” are obliterated.


Trump Loses Anti-War Aide In Bannon

Trump Loses Anti-War Aide In Bannon | The Daily Caller
White House chief strategist Steve Bannon was weary of further American military involvement, and with his departure, President Donald Trump looks to be the only dove left in the West Wing.


Bannon supported Blackwater founder Erik Prince’s plan to use military contractors in the war in Afghanistan and was against National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster’s plan to deploy tens of thousands of more troops to the Afghan conflict, according to a source with knowledge of the deliberations.


While saying he would “bomb the s**t” out of ISIS, Trump ran on a largely non-interventionist campaign. He attacked President Bush for invading Iraq and cautioned against toppling the Assad regime in Syria.


His White House, however, is not populated with like-minded thinkers. Even the most Trump-like senior adviser left, Stephen Miller, was a strong supporter of the Iraq War and primarily focuses on domestic policy issues.


Trump does have the habit of speaking to outside advisers on the phone and calls with Bannon and Roger Stone might be the only times Trump hears war-weary voices.


"I believe Bannon and Trump are still doing that with this maneuver"

Trump Says US Will Stay In Afghanistan | The Daily Caller
President Donald Trump addressed the nation Monday night about America’s future in Afghanistan and said that the U.S. will remain in there indefinitely until conditions on the ground change.


The U.S. has been engaged in conflict in Afghanistan ever since 9/11, and just over 2,400 American troops have died in the conflict. Trump has long criticized the war and said Monday night at Fort Myer, Va., that his initial instinct was to “pull out.”


The president said that sitting in the Oval Office changed his mindset, and he looked to the advice of his national security advisers. “After many meetings, over many months, we held our final meeting last Friday at Camp David, with my cabinet and generals, to complete our strategy. I arrived at three fundamental conclusions about America’s core interests in Afghanistan,” Trump said.


These three conclusions were that the U.S. “must seek an honorable and enduring outcome worthy of the tremendous sacrifices that have been made,” a quick withdrawal would create a “vacuum that terrorists – including ISIS and Al Qaeda – would instantly fill,” and that security threats in Afghanistan and South Asia “are immense.”


What that outcome looks like, or how specifically he plans to get there are anyone’s guess. Fox News reported that White House sources told them before the speech that Trump was going to announce 4,000 more troops for Afghanistan.


But President Trump said that the US strategy would be secret, saying the US is removing any timetables for ending the war in Afghanistan. He said that he will not talk publicly about troop numbers in Afghanistan or plans for ongoing military activity there. While arguing that “America’s enemies must never know our plans.”


On commentary

I agree with Bannon saying "The Trump presidency that we fought for, and won, is over".I understand Bannon not able to stand with this Afghan thing, having no choice but to leave.

Trump still has choices in staying the position to be a puppet of deep state, or running away from being a puppet for the next 3 years and some months.Trump being politically assassinated is a serious offense and tragedy for American voters, who hoped for peace, who didn't want to kill or displace foreign people further.


The Duck of Death > Michiko

Maybe you should read more of what Bannon has said. He has clearly said he still stands with Trump and supports him. He said his words were taken out of context and that he has faith in Trump.

Michiko > The Duck of Death

I know he was very careful of not giving bless to Trump's enemy side, by his resignation.
That's why he said he'll still fight outside of WH, but it's not beyond a leaving gift to Trump, out of courtesy.

The Duck of Death > Michiko

Why won't you just take his words at face value? I don't know his heart better than he does so won't speak for him.

Michiko > The Duck of Death

Because "what he did" speaks most volume than what he said.
He left WH, in quitting running the presidency, leaving "a man having-no-clue when without Bannon" alone.

The Duck of Death > Michiko

Trump has no clue? I have never seen someone manipulate the media the way Trump has and continues to do. Trump has done some pretty masterful politicking and I believe Bannon and Trump are still doing that with this maneuver.

Michiko > The Duck of Death

I am someone who wishes Trump's resurgence actually, but it's not likely anymore.Especially when without Bannon.
Trump as President is all about Bannon.
Without Bannon, he's like a naked king.

There are really few authorities left for him by now.
He had no choice but to break his own pledge like this time.
He surrendered to the deep state than getting impeachment so soon.


The Duck of Death > Michiko

I don't think we are seeing Trump without Bannon which is what I am saying and what Bannon has come out and said. I think it is another ploy that will bear results at some point in the near future. Trump loves to put things out there as bait and than make everyone look stupid who insulted him for it and I think this is one of those cases. I hope.

Michiko > The Duck of Death

I hope if Trump is totally calculated about Bannon's departure and Afghan thing, but not likely.

Bannon is the first man who should be near around Trump, when Trump is really about to beat up the deep state feature.


The Duck of Death > Michiko

We have the same hopes and same fears just I think I am, for the first time in a long time, a little more optimistic. Trump has been great to the country and has earned my support so I have faith he knows what he is doing.

Michiko > The Duck of Death

I have no doubt that Trump is so far a better person than any of his adversaries, when we think about world peace.

Problem is he can't bring out his agenda, in getting bothered by deep state.

