琉球王国の悲劇は、第二尚氏王朝の七代目 尚寧王のときに訪れました。

Tragedy of Ryukyu Kingdom came along in the age of 7th king of the second Sho dynasty Shonei-oh.
Shimazu family, who had aspiration to Ryukyu from the age of Hideyoshi, gave an order to Ryukyu to accommodate to Hideyoshi's oversea aggression to Korean peninsula, that was aiming to reach out middle China, by providing food but troops.
Ryukyu Kingdom was independent as one of tributary states of Ming-China back then, not part of Shimazu family, meanwhile Shimazu alleged that Ryukyu is their subordinate country, gradually succeeded to make Hideyoshi approve it.
But that was only an intent regarding mainland people, just for their own thinking.
Thus there was no need to provide food responding to Hideyoshi's oversea warfare.
Also it is ridiculous in the first place that Ryukyu would cooperate Hideyoshi's aggression plan heading for China, while Ryukyu was her tributary states.
But somehow the king agreed with Shimazu in providing rice, while the reason is just not certain.
Which gave Shimazu a pretext to claim Ryukyu Kingdom to be their subordinate state.
Later, there came a problem around drifted Ryukyu people, with a greeting ambassador of their rescue.
After Hideyohi passed away, 2 years later from Sekigahara battle, a Ryukyu ship was drifted to Mutsu Japan, then Ieyasu gave an order to get them send to Osaka, move to Satsuma, for sending them back to Ryukyu, by Shimazu's service.
That was meant for making Ryukyu send a greeting ambassador to appear their gratitude.
Because Ieyasu always sought for trade business with Ming-China, without becoming a vassal of Ming Emperor, just by making Ryukyu Kingdom to be a dummy state, obtaining profit of the business.
But Ryukyu Kingdom sent back no envoy to Japan.
Assumedly, something regarding ritual manner, while providing food to Shimazu, as Ryukyu king was a vassal of Ming Emperor, not one of Ieyasu.
Shimazu family in Satsuma, who were slighted after the Sekigahara battle, had an aspiration to get Ryukyu under their control, and which was matched to an aim of Ieyasu who was hoping for trade business with Ming.
Ieyasu got an idea to achieve his interest by sending back POW from Ming, 茅国科 who was detained in Japan since captured on Hideyoshi's aggression to the peninsula, so Ieyasu appointed some merchant to be an envoy of the mission.
The mission handing the POW over Ming was well done, later Ming sent ships with treasure to Satsuma in response to the condition of POW returning.
But just the ships were attacked by pirates out of the blue, all the treasure was taken away, while all the personnel on the ships were killed.
Ming didn't send another vessel for the ships that were robbed.
The perpetrator was found out to be some merchant in Sakai, and captured later, executed, just Shimazu had been suspecting whether it is something to do with Ryukyu.
Finally, in 1609, Shimazu in Satsuma got an order of Ieyasu to seize into Oshima.
Composed of 1500 troops later increased to 3000, 734 rifles, on the other hand, no rifle or firearm in Ryukyu, but for two fixed artilleries in Naha meant for guard against pirates, basically bare hands or arrows they had.
Shimazu force seized into Amamiooshima first, occupied with no blood.
Next they headed for Tokunoshima, where Ohseito who was a groom of a daughter of Shanauekata, led 300 troops to fight against.
Shanauekata was one of Sanshikan(3 weighty ministers) in those days Ryukyu.
Ohseito presented guerrilla fights by dragging enemies into a jungle, throwing rocks, but 4 days later he was captured and the island was occupied.
Next Shimazu went to Okinoerabujima, they surrendered with no fight.
Shimazu finally headed for mainland Okinawa, landed from a northern port Untenko not from Naha with firearms.
There was Shokokushi who was one of royal members, on Nakijin-castle led 500 troops, fought against Satsuma but got defeated to a fierce attack of Shimazu force.
Then final battle of besieged Shuri-castle was heated, but the king just offered a surrender in the second day.
There was a weak point of Shimazu force in food supply, thus there was still hope in the besieged strategy of Shuri-castle, therefore it was a surrender that the king determined.
Shimazu took the king and weighty royal members or vassals to Japan, as prisoners, especially Shanauekata and Urazoeuekata were treated like criminals.
The king was detained in Satsuma till next year, then taken out to meet Ieyasu.
Ieyasu made an order that not treating the king to be a criminal, but to treat him as same as Korean envoy, like a valued guest.
Thus the king was treated to be a guest when he met Ieyasu and Hidetada the Shogun then, while he was a criminal in Satsuma.
Ieyasu wanted to make his visiting look to be a foreign envoy to come celebrating Tokugawa regime.
Likewise he had an aim to deal with Ming by trade business, so Ryukyu would be better staying a foreign country not part of Japan.
Thus they tended to make Ryukyu people not assimilated to Japanese culture, but preserved Ryukyu culture.
Colonization of Ryukyu was firmly proceeded by Shimazu, while the king was taken away to Japan.
There was difference between strategy of Ieyasu, and one of Shimazu.
Shimazu who was treated not nice since Sekigahara battle, was seeking for means to pay back Tokugawa, with a preserved power, by exploiting over Ryukyu by making the country to be a colony.
Bureaucrats were sent to Ryukyu from Satsuma, for research of Ryukyu territory, meant for imposing tax, finally estimated as 83,000 goku(Japanese measure of rice, they thought that one person can live for a year by 1 goku).
As climate condition of Ryukyu is not so good for making rice, so Satsuma required of special products like cloth, rope for tribute to Satsuma.
After had a meeting with Ieyasu and Shogun Hidetada, the king was brought back to Satsuma, treated like a criminal there again.
Moreover, the king and Sanshikans were coerced to sign a pledge paper.
Pledge about confirmation to the aggression of Satsuma that it was caused by Ryukyu to be rude, or pledge of never forgetting the benevolence of Shimazu, that tends to make Ryukyu not destroyed, even in their far descendant age.
They did sign but for Shanauekata, who was ruling out to make a signature, likewise revealed that he tried to send a passenger calling for help to Ming, determined to be executed, decapitated in Satsuma.
Shanauekata, he is still admired most in Okinawa nowadays, to be a hero unyielding.
After all, the king finally came back to Ryukyu in 1611.
The king soon sent an envoy to Ming in response to an order of Japan, as "Got attacked by Japan, the king was captured temporary, but he came back and everything is just as it was then, thus we hope for paying tribute to Emperor like we used to".
But just Ming, that had an almost grasp with Ryukyu to happen, barely responded like "Then you people might have been in a tough time lately, so no need to pay tribute like you did back then, as one time in 2 years, from now, one time in 10 years would be good for you".
It was quite few to pay tribute one in 10 years, especially for Ieyasu or Shimazu that were aiming to get profit through a return grant of the tribute.
They were disappointed very much.
Then Ieyasu dared send a letter to Ming through Shimazu, to let Ming deal with Japan by trade business, but just failed.
Consequently, by the aggression, only Shimazu who obtained Ryukyu to be a colony, which able to use as a pivot of illegal commerce business, were benefited.
That was going to emerge extra power to bring Tokugawa regime down in the future.
Roughly speaking, it can be seen as Satsuma was able to retaliate for Sekigahara grudge on Tokugawa with their extra power preserved in exploiting over Ryukyu.
After the aggression, there was double tribute condition in Ryukyu till Ryukyushobun that made Ryukyu Kingdom abolished so to be part of Japan exerted in early Meiji era, also till coerced to get separated from Qing-China then.
Qing in 1880 made an objection to the treatment of Ryukyu, as Ryukyu was always one of their tributary states all through Edo era, Chinese people might have thought the kingdom to be a substance of their protection.
Thereby, as far I see, Chinese people look to feel shame or regret in not protecting the kingdom against Japan.
It is just an amazing thing as 130 years passed from then, likewise it is an issue happened before the people in these days were born, but Chinese people seem to hold it on, can be seen in a posting that shown their state of mind.
In my consideration, this is not a kind of issue claiming possession, but a feeling more humane to tend to make some mend, for Ryukyu people those who are getting oppressed since Yamato annexed the kingdom to Japanese territory against the will of Ryukyu people.


Picture of the Ryukyu people those who admire Shanauekata, an unyielding hero.

He could have let himself alive if only he didn't mean to be a symbol of the next rebel against Yamato that is supposed to happen in the future when his people really tend to follow him.

Following essay is my analysis of Okinawa nowadays.

Okinawans are well tamed, since Yamato made them be like that through 400 years, they are taught not to appear grudge or hate to Yamato.
They are actually tamed from 400 years ago, when Satsuma seized in, not from 1880 or some, for 400 years they are always looked down, to be second class people.
Problem most I think now is, by Ieyasu's aim, Ryukyu people were not assimilated to Japanese culture, as he meant to keep the culture as it is, to make it useful to him, as he tended to use Ryukyu to be a dummy country to get trade business with Ming China.
So, from 1609 to 1880, Ryukyu people kept their culture still, not by their will but by Yamato's aim.
That is why they still think of themselves to be something totally different from Yamato, in another thought, they don't have to if they were assimilated to Yamato culture from 400 years ago.
If so, now they will be much Yamato, no such complex would be there, it can be a problem only when they think they are definitely not Yamato.
So Tokugawa making them preserved their culture is not necessary a good thing, maybe losing their culture would be less worse than losing their dignity to be human, or a citizen.
Therefore, things regarding Okinawa are really complicated.
So two measures to get in touch with them, not getting into any of their condition, just pretending not knowing, or obtaining perfect comprehension like locals do, which is hardly possible.
They hate Yamato migrating to Okinawa much more than Yamato with no interest or regard to Okinawa, that is what it causes.