;D Because I am one of my friend's Twitter Bff, so I am exposed with this link


If you have Twitter account, you just log in and you go to this website straight.
It will automatically, generate who you retweeted or replied on Twitter in the past.
And below is my result

キムのdays-Twitter Bffs


Try it! Is fun to know who is your Twitter Bffs ;)

I am proud that I tweet Mao kind of many times.
I wonder he knows about my tweets? (。・ε・。)
Two days ago was my last time being a college student.
Exams and presentations ~ DONE!
And now, those are my sweet memories from today onwards.
The bitter memories will automatically became sweet since I will not further my studies.

I have decided to get a job.

I just hope, my decision is good enough for me. ガーン I had quite some hard time studying diploma, that is why I do not want to bet on degree.

At least, I done diploma right? *laughs*

Thanks for everything, my dear classmates (not all were in this picture)

キムのdays-Class picture

