

Norman P. Grubb












神の視点から物事を見る時、問題や仕事に対して恐れずに自分の考えや判断に従うことができます。そして「これは神が私にせよと言われたことのようだ」と言うことができるのです。私達はエルサレムの教会と共に「これは聖霊と私達が決めたことです(使徒 15:28)」と大胆に言うことができます。




Notes from Norman

The Word of Faith
By Norman P. Grubb

It was a big surprise for me when I found I had things upside down in my prayer and faith life. 

Formerly I had thought that living life was mainly my responsibility, and that it was God's responsibility to lend a hand when the going got rough. But when my eyes were opened, I realized that living life primarily means being aware of what God wants me to do, and being certain to go along with Him as He brings His purposes to pass. As soon as I was aware of that, I felt relieved of a heavy burden. 

It was no longer, "Lord, move into this or that situation and change it." It now was, "Lord, what are You working out in this situation? You caused it, so You have a perfect purpose in it." 

In other words, the primary functions of prayer and faith do not involve my trying to get God to move into action. Instead, they are means by which God gets me ready to let Him through in his already purposed action. 

I saw that in the first revelation given us in the Scriptures of the spoken word of faith by "The Word" at creation. He merely said, "Let there be. . ." nine times over. As a result, the Father's love-purposes in creation came into nine forms of manifestations. "Let there be" does not indicate that the Son was in some way trying to persuade the Father to do something. On the contrary, the Father was pressing his love- purposes into visibility, and the Son's word of faith was letting him through—his universal self coming through in particular forms. 

We are not afraid of following our own thoughts and assessments of our problems and challenges, as we seek to look at them with his eyes. And so we come to the place where we say, "This seems to us what God calls us to take action about." We boldly say with the church at Jerusalem, "It seems good to the Holy Ghost and to us" (Acts 15:28) 

So to me prayer and faith have taken these simple forms. I always start with, "What are you doing in this situation?" Or, if we are a company of people, we seek the answer as a company. Our guidance comes not as a voice from heaven, but by the fact that we have the mind of Christ (Phil. 2:5), which must mean that He is doing His thinking by our minds.

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