也门人道主义形势极度危急 无数人染上霍乱 

BBC News with Julie Candler.
Amid U.N. warnings of the extraordinary gravity of the humanitarian situation in Yemen, a BBC team has seen the depth of the suffering in a hospital in Aden. Hundreds of thousands of people have contracted cholera in recent months, and the World Food Program is warning of the danger of famine.

Crowds of Palestinians have again been worshipping at a sensitive holy site in Jerusalem, the Haram al-Sharif, or Temple Mount. They ended their boycott after Israel removed the last of the new security infrastructures it installed earlier this month. But as the crowds arrived, clashes broke out with Israeli forces.

The UN says that nearly three months after Russia, Iran and Turkey reached a deal on de-escalating the conflict in Syria, hundreds of thousands of civilians are yet to receive desperately needed aid. Plans to establish a series of safe zones have made little progress.

The head of US military has said there will be no change to its policy on employing transgender people until the Defense Secretary receives direction from President Trump on the issue. Mr. Trump tweeted on Wednesday that transgender people wouldn't be allowed to serve in the US armed forces.

The US military has promised to investigate accusations of the American trained Iraqi troops were involved in the extra judiciary killings of Islamic State militants in Mosul. Human Rights Watch accused Iraqi soldiers of summarily executing more than 30 prisoners suspected of belonging to the Jihadists group.

The French President Emanuel Macron has proposed setting up “hot spots” in Libya to process asylum requests. He said projects will be running within the next two months.

The founder and CEO, the Amazon website, Jeff Bezos has become the world's richest man with a fortune worth nearly 91.5 billion dollars. He's overtaken the Microsoft founder Bill Gates after a rise in the value of Amazon share on Thursday.

1.extraordinary adj.异乎寻常的,令人惊奇的

It's extraordinary that he should make exactly the same mistake again.


2.gravity n.严肃,严重

The Consul spoke slowly and with great gravity.


3.contract vt.感染,患上

Two-thirds of the adult population there has contracted AIDS.


4.cholera n.霍乱

People began to feel alarmed about the cholera.


5.worship vt.朝拜,信奉,崇拜

a church where people have worshipped for hundreds of years


6.boycott vt.联合抵制

We are determined to boycott them.


7.transgender adj/n.变形(人),跨性别(者)

transgender issues


8.asylum n.庇护,收容

He has been granted asylum in France.


9.overtake vt.取代,超越

Television soon overtook the cinema as the most popular form of entertainment.


1.... and the World Food Program is warning of the danger of famine.

warn of... 提醒……,警告……

The government warned of the storm.


2.Mr. Trump tweeted on Wednesday that transgender people wouldn't be allowed to serve in the US armed forces.

be allowed to do sth 被允许做某事

When your mind is empty from thoughts, and only one single thought is allowed to enter, it gains a very great power.


Julie Candler为您播报BBC新闻。






法国总统埃马纽埃尔 马克龙[Emanuel Macron]提出在利比亚建立“热点”,以处理寻求庇护的请求。马克龙表示,未来两个月内会开始进行该项目。

亚马逊创始人兼首席执行官[CEO]杰夫 贝索斯[Jeff Bezos]已跃升世界首富的宝座,总资产达到近915亿美元。他取代微软创始人比尔 盖茨成为首富,因为本周四亚马逊市值上涨。