Rancilio, the Italian espresso coffee maker that revolutionized theart of coffee making with the first espresso coffee machine in the year 1927,has never looked back ever since. Their recent offering, the Rancilio SilviaEspresso Machine V3, is a state-of-the-art espresso machine which retains allthe characteristics of its forebears, the Silvia Espresso product line, whichwas an instant hit and made Pull Stud it to the top of the popularity charts with theconnoisseurs of good espresso coffee makers and drinkers alike.


The new version of the Rancilio Silvia espresso machine is a verydurable device which has been launched with user-friendly optimizedimprovements as noted below:


The Rancilio Silvia Espresso Machine weighsaround 32 lbs and comes with dimensions of 11.25" length x 9.25"breadth x 13.25" height.


The machine's exterior is accentuated with a chicsteel finish and is ornamented with a control panel which contains 4articulated and labeled buttons along with a beautiful dial.


The machine is made with highly non-degradablestainless steel sheets as well as top class fittings and tubings, and stainlesssteel nuts and bolts to guarantee longer lasting stress free quality operationof the product.


The Steam Wand is made of excellent quality commercial grade chromeplating with a newly developed tip which aids in supplying sufficient amount ofsteam for creating those wonderful frothy espressos or steaming hot boilingwater for your powdered milk or tea requirements. It is now longer andmulti-directional than its predecessors and is far more flexible in utilizingwith different kinds of jars or pitchers.


The Portafilter or Brew Group has been made from Brass and is chromeplated for enabling even distribution of heat and water which is an inherentpart in creating the magic of espresso coffees. It is fitted with 3 thermostatsfor controlling the espresso and steam temperature as well as protecting theboiler from overheating due to too much steam pressure. Now, you can easilyprogram the machine from milk frothing or coffee brewing at the flick of abutton. It also features a three-way solenoid valve SK Collet with the Pressure ReleaseSystem for easy cleaning, maintenance and relieving excess pressure of the unitafter the coffee making process is over.


The water container is positioned at the back of the unit for easyaccess for refilling. A cup warmer tray is sited on top of the machine whilethe removable drip tray is placed right under the Steam Wand and Portafilteroutlet.


Some of the weaker points of the Rancilio Silvia espresso machine arethat, it takes time to learn how to efficiently operate it, but once you dolearn, then it is just a piece of cake to handle. The other point is that, ittakes nearly 30 minutes to warm up to the desired level. So it is important tokeep it in mind that you have to start half an hour before you want your coffeeand all goes well thereafter.


Having this Rancilio Silvia Espresso Machine V3 is truly worth it.Thus, it is high time to grab this wonderful espresso coffee machine.