I had many conference with many business department today.
In the morning, branch of my company in the Tokyo has trouble with custmor to buy our products.
They want to close this trouble and pay \800,000,000 to this company, but we persuade them not to pay such a huge money, because their performance is surrender to demanding exorbitant price.
We must have policy, we have to crush Anti Social Group.
In the afternoon, I prepared to have special general meeting holder's.
It is because...it's very very secret.
Then I went to Narita airport.
Our product arouse accident station in the Singapole, the press in the Singapole made noise last month.
So our reserch department, they are very genius people what we call Dr.,invent many things to change human beings, came from all over the World.
We ask them what does the product that they has invented has structure.
Then we fight with certain Nation at Court in the Singapole, so we had a conference to plan handing in evidence.
But lol... I can't go to Singapole but priority lawer can go.