

何か全くI wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-Doco_o_1101_057.gifやんでくれる気配がなぃ。。。I wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-M_26_30_10_13006157.gif
帰りはI wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-Doco_o_1101_484.gifで迎ぇに行けると思ったんだけどなぁ。。。I wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-M_emoji_1101_089.gif
しかもI wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-F_emoji_1101_202.gifは英語教室~I wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-M_emoji_1101_089.gif
I wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-F_emoji_1101_202.gifは、めっちゃNon頑張って準備してくれたから早く出れたし、頑張って歩けたょねッI wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-M_27_30_10_16002139.gif
帰りも英語教室も頑張って歩いてくれるかなぁI wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-F_emoji_1101_342.gifI wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-M_emoji_1101_157.gifI wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-50ddc1bbdd360a258be84ae5a1e6a939.gif
ぉまけに洗濯物が乾かなぃから寒ぃのにI wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-M_emoji_1101_050.gifで乾かし中~I wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-Doco_o_1101_498.gifI wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-M_01_30_10_16001065.gif
暖房ょり節約のためにI wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-M_emoji_1101_050.gifだょッ。。。
子供ぃたら可哀想だけど、ぁたくしはカーペットで乗りきってるッI wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-M_emoji_1101_385.gif
せめて小雨にならなぃかしらん~I wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-dcf6a6fa6b552c878a55c1651a9e59d8.gifI wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-ac4b6f5a7d72016aef8a7f862bf0fcc2.gif
See youI wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-F_emoji_1101_342.gifI wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-M_01_30_10_13005765.gif
同じI wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-M_emoji_1101_225.gifが誘ってくれてI wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-F_emoji_1101_204.gifは街まで出てぉ出かけっ。。。
知らずに目的地に到着したら、えらぃこっちゃ~I wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-M_emoji_1101_157.gifI wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-M_26_30_10_13007853.gif
ぉ祭りで人の凄さに圧倒と笑ぃがI wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-M_emoji_1101_385.gif
なかなか子供ぃると来れないからI wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-M_emoji_1101_225.gifが最近、行ったとこをグルグルと回るにも回れなくて。。。で、先に遅ぃI wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-M_emoji_1101_241.giftimeI wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-F_emoji_1101_342.gifI wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-M_26_30_10_13007664.gifI wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-F_emoji_1101_830.gif
ぉ祭りが終わってから安ぃ服屋さん見たり、100円SHOP見たりして、帰ってきたら、もぉ21時っ(笑)I wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-F_emoji_1101_821.gif
けど荷物だけ置いて近くのご飯屋さんに行って何だかんだ話に盛り上がって、帰宅0時っI wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-M_emoji_1101_385.gif
Nonは即寝してくれたから良かったけど、朝が保育園で早かったから、なかなか起きなくてギリギリセーフI wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-F_emoji_1101_342.gifI wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-M_emoji_1101_157.gifが、ぉかげで荷物やってから園を出るときには正門が閉じめられて。。。裏門から出る羽目に。。。I wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-M_emoji_1101_089.gif
でも楽しかったなぁI wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-F_emoji_1101_342.gifI wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-M_emoji_1101_155.gifI wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-F_emoji_1101_691.gif
I wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-F_emoji_1101_203.gifは、いつからI wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-Doco_o_1101_057.gifなのか分からなぃけど天気予報がI wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-Doco_o_1101_057.gifマークなってるし、英語教室もぁるからI wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-F_emoji_1101_202.gif保育園終わったら耳鼻科に連れていかなきゃ~I wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-M_emoji_1101_089.gif
ちょっとだけ、ゆっくりしてぉ迎えに行ってくるょっI wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-46ccd0c9f48bb1b2f1a82b9dad271662.gifI wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-M_emoji_1101_020.gif
See youI wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-F_emoji_1101_342.gifI wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-M_01_30_10_13005765.gif
今日、夜中の2時ぐらぃに、ふと起きたら。。。I wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-M_26_30_10_13006157.gif
悪阻を思い出すっ。。。I wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-M_01_30_10_02003938.gifで、まぁ、そんなどころじゃなくて慌ててI wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-Doco_m_1101_105.gifへgo~I wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-37458f52d78ee15a23e044f32940b55f.gif
朝、起きてからもI wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-ecre_emoji_1101_132.gifモヤモヤI wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-ecre_emoji_1101_132.gifで何だか分からなぃ感じだったけど、こりゃ~多分PMSの症状が久しぶりに酷かったのかも。。。I wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-M_emoji_1101_066.gif
ここんとこ吐き気は薬で落ち着いてたけど、この2ヶ月ぐらぃは眠気も酷くて、それの延長で今回、吐き気もあったんだろうなぁ。。。ってI wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-50ddc1bbdd360a258be84ae5a1e6a939.gif
I wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-Doco_o_1101_057.gif凄かったら保育園は休ませよぉI wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-F_emoji_1101_342.gifと思ったけど晴れ女な娘ちゃまは朝は何とか大丈夫だったから送り出してI wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-M_emoji_1101_423.gifだけサッと終わらせて帰宅してから、久しぶりに布団のなかへ。。。I wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-M_emoji_1101_089.gif
PMS酷いのは仕方ないけど、吐き気だけは勘弁してもらいたぃ。。。I wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-M_emoji_1101_145.gif
トラウマが蘇るからねっ。。。I wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-M_26_30_10_13006157.gif
さぁ、娘ちゃま食べ終わったから、洗い物して頑張ってI wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-Doco_o_1101_299.gif入れよぉI wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-F_emoji_1101_342.gifI wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-M_26_30_10_13007664.gif
See youI wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-F_emoji_1101_342.gifI wanted to be together in fact all the time!!-M_01_30_10_13005765.gif

