
I made flapjacks that

 Tony tought us how to make at the Potluck party.

This flapjack is one of the traditional British sweets.



Oats(250g)・・・・ "Nisshoku's Oats" is 500g.

   So, it is perfect for two times.

Butter(100g)・・・I used the "Snow brand" margarine for cake.

There are two 100g packs in a box.

It is very convenient.

Solt(a pinch) Honey(2 tablespoons) Starch syrup (1 tablespoon)

You can use raisin cranberry sesame or walnut etc.

if you like.


①Put the butter, sugar ,honey, starch syrup,

and solt in a pan.

And heat iti until it gets all liquid at low heat.


②Put half of the oats into the pan

and mix them thoroughly.

And after that put the remainning oats and mix too.
After putting out the fire, I also mixed raisins and walnut.

③Spread the grease proof paper on the heat-resestant glass deish.

Put in it all and flatten with a spoon or spatula.

Bake it at 180 ℃ for 20 minutes.

④When it changes to light brown, 

put it out from the microwave.

Lleave and cool.

Slice it to your favorite size.


Flapjack goes with tea as well as coffee.

This sweet is very easy to make.

Please try itビックリマーク