Chester House English

Chester House English




Nutella, strawberry and banana pancake! 


What is Pancake Day?

Also known as Shrove Tuesday. スター

A traditional feast before the start of Lent.

Pancakes were the perfect way to use up leftover eggs, milk, flour etc.ハート

They are a thin flat cake unlike Japanese pancakes. 

Traditionally in Britain they are served with lemon and sugar. ホットケーキ


What is Lent?

Also known as Ash Wednesday. キラキラ

Where people fast for the 40 days leading up to Easter. 

The end of Lent is Easterびっくりマーク 

This is because Jesus went without food and drink for the same amount of time in the Bible.

Nowadays people give up one thing (e.g chocolate) for 40 days instead! チョコ