


Dear diaries,

frankly speaking, i do not want to write it.
but i have a awful bad mood at the evening before i go to sleep.
i am so impulsive to express my feeling.

i can't stand my mother.
she is so stupid, emotional and irrational.
i am so envy my friend have a thoughtful and considerate mum.
how come i have a such a XXXXXXXX mum.
i do not want to say any foul language but i can not control myself anymore.
Sorry to myself!!!!

i really really do not know anything about woman.
why my mother is such kinds of creatures ?

why she never understand my feeling ?
why she always imagines everyone want she to die ??????
why she never have self-reflection ?
why she always blames us ?
why she keeps talking a lot ?
.why she have never asked and considered her children 's feeling ?
she has countless sins since the day i was born.
i did not have any choice to decide my life.

frankly, i do not want to live.
firstly, it is obvious her problem
i understand parents care and love their children.
thus, they will scold them. it is reasonable.
but my mother is different, totally,
she is selfish and fussy.
i believe everyone have make mistakes except Jesus.
with regard to her, i am speechless.
the only thing i want her to do is to keep her mouth shut and leave my alone.
i hate her but do not hope she died.
everyone have rights to live but i hope she can respect me , my opinion, my options only.
i know my wrong yet i will never forget what she did to me, how she treats me, as trash......
she changed me into a cold- blooded girl
she hits me
she blames me
she insults my dignity......

self-strengthening is my only way to live.
i swear i must pass the a-level exam and go into university.
i have to protect my family by my hands.
so strength can not be missed.

i will not forget her NEVER EVER

Please help me god...
let me have enough strength to protect my loved.......
please please i beg you please ...


Dear diaries,

i have not written it a long time ago.
you know, after preparing for a exam, there is a long Christmas holidays.
so i breaks my promise.

of course, i went shopping after the exam.
actually, this exam felt like a big test and i did not work hard much.
i have brought some new clothes.

i had a camping and night trekking with my dearest friends in this holiday.
It is great and a bit exhausted.
I nearly have not slept at the first night and started the night trekking at 4:00 am. in the second day.
It sounds crazy for me as my body can not afford it much.
But i saw the first shooting star in my lifetime.
And unfortunately, it was too short for making wishes.
yet the sky was so clear that i can watch thousands of stars on the sky.ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ

during these days, i knew some friends and developed friendship with some guys in my form.
And i am happy that i can have chance to talk with my friends after the exam.
camping is nice activities.(≧▽≦)

holiday will end soon.
But i have not yet do revision....(-。-;)

In this holiday, i have eaten too much.
I can not stooped it .....
who can help me ???????????????

Love, Charlotte
It is my second time of writing a blog.
I hope that i can keep on writing and update it per week.XD

It is a blog which will record my Form 6 and Form 7 efforts for coming 2012 AL Exam.
I will put what i have done and my latest information on it.
It is a new beginning for me. Hopefully, it helps me to fix my habits to a right level.=)


Dear diary,

I have watched Q10 which played by one of my favorite stars, 前田敦子. Yeah!!
Interesting!! Beautiful girls and funny content !!!
I guess that mysterious girl is one of the producer of Q10 and producing it for
the purpose of getting closer to 平太.
Always support her!!+)
When will AKB48 have a concert in Hong Kong?(●´ω`●)ゞ
I have to wait for a week again. So sad.

Tuesday is my dead day which is my second Econ test.・°・(ノД`)・°・
I expect i can not get a good result because it is too hard to understand Indifference curve.
But of course, i endeavors on doing revision.

First term exam is coming. I can not relax myself too much like CE, a dreadful result......- -''
UE is a tough subject as what Mr. Mui said. More improvement is needed.
In this moment, i actually do not have any motivation to work.
But his words always keep reminding me.
Never Give up.
There are considerable number of rivals inside and outside my school.
No gain no pain.

Today, i have eaten a big bread and fried rice made by my mother.
It is wet and so weird .........
Hoping she can do better next time though i realizes that it is my dream.
Fried rice is too fat for me.
Winter is full of my complicated feeling.
I love cold and dry weather which i distastes putting on weight.

Recently, i have my enthusiasm of mangas and animations.
It is such a good news for me and my result.
But i am trying to find other thing to fill in my leisure time.
Writing blog is one of them. Let me think about it ................
