I'm backk ! LOVE
Okay lemme see what happened today? ヘ(゚∀゚*)ノ
Had dance in the hall. Was fun and cool and yea SYF clothes damn kewtt. おんぷ
Bought a few things from Fairprice for the old folks home peeps . !!
Okay gotta go finish my book and watch anime . (^O^)/
Love ya guys, esp JUN LOL .
Kewwwww にひひ
I'm back !
Today school was damn tiring . 。・゚゚・(≧д≦)・゚゚・。
had art remedial and it seriously sucksssss. ttm. プンプン
Oh , and i'm gonna close my g market spree soon. YAY! o(^▽^)o
Heehee. I'm Stalking Jun now ~ :X  ̄∧ ̄エヘン
K, good night world! (ノω・、)
I hope to survive dance tomorrow! 心
Neh, today was fun man.!!
Okay dance was cool and all that but it was after dance that really made my day~!泣
Was with kq, amanda, andrea, liqian, jai ! うう
Eating at Amk hub , made alot of jokes.むー
Okay , now very busy cannot waste time doing my blog so yea.笑
Sayonara! キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!!!