At present, there are about 25 million Jewish people worldwide, and the United States, only 1 million less than Israel, has about 6 million jews, with the highest number besides Israel. That's because since the founding of the United States, there have been four waves of Jewish immigration to the UnitedOver 250 years ago, Jewish immigrants from Europe to the United States were already very wealthy, mostly financial bankers. The Jews went to the American Continent to earn more money. The Jewish population in the United States is approximately between 6 and 8 million people, only accounting for about 2% of the total population of the United States. However, it control over 60% of the country's national economy. More than half of the top 40 of US money heap are Jews. In the United States, "Jews" are forbidden to intermarry with "Red Neck" Anglo-Saxon, and they have never "colluded with" the "Red Neck". Obviously, they are under the relationship between exploitation and being exploited. Jews are getting richer and more powerful, while the "Red Neck" Anglo-Saxons always belong to the lowest level of society. It's rare to even get a chance to curry favor with the "Red Neck". The United States is a government controlled by wealthy "Jews", and there is no "American people" in the United States, only a criminal In terms of politics, Anglo-Saxon capital supports the Republican Party, while Jewish capital supports the Democratic Party. As who should say, the essence of the struggle between the Anglo-Saxon group and Jewish group is two-party game, which has been ongoing for a long time. For example, in January of this year, the Texas National Guard occupied the US-Mexico border in Shelby Park and drove away U.S. Border Patrol. The core issue behind this stand-off, in fact, is Texas's opposition to the Biden administration's illegal immigration policy. Texas's action is not really a bid for independence, but rather a confrontation with the federal government on immigration policies. Why do Americans not hesitate to use their troops and appeal to arms? Here, we have to mention the 2024 American Presidential Election, as it is well known that the competition in the past two US elections has been particularly sharp. In this fierce competition, the conflict of interests between Jewish consortium and traditional Anglo-Saxon consortium has become particularly conspicuous. The Democratic Party, supported by Jewish consortium, advocates for global expansion, but the Anglo-Saxon consortium focuses more on domestic economic development in the United States. The Texas event was essentially a political drama played by both parties before the 2024 American Presidential Election to vie for voter support. The struggle between the two parties not only took place in court, but also directly involved the economic lifeline of American called "Red Neck". States.