



the 5 main components in answering this question are:
*intent: is the user purpose mainly the exact same? If so you can target many keywords on one-page, but if it really is different then it is logical to break down the baskets based on the different user intents. however "ipod repair" and "sell my ipod" and "used ipod" are totally different concepts... as are things related with the ipad
*relevancy: this is kinda tied in with purpose, but also if the words appear significantly different then make different pages for them.
your anchor text question is a bit tougher to reply. The reason is that up until about a year ago anchor text was page special and infrequently (if ever) flowed between pages (outside of using redirects and rel = canonical). authority would flow across the site, but anchor text would not. however Google combined that up late last year.
Given that, my advice on the anchor text front will be this : test and track. and by that I mean...
*after Panda it is not a good idea to merely link at the homepage (especially if you're going to get 100 pages on your own site) so I would recommend doing some deep links for security sake. test how well they perform.
it is not really enjoyable (or even expert guidance sounding) to suggest being iterative and following what is working nicely (rather than saying "go in with large strategy x") but in nearly everything we do we have a rather iterative approach. we do this for a few major reasons:
oif there are 2 ways to describe something and they look vastly different (visually) then it may make sense to set up 2 separate pages.
*present momentum: if you have a heavily linked to page then sometimes just adding a couple cheesy links with the related keyword modifiers in them can assist you to rank for the alternative variations, but if you do not have that momentum then obviously it can become a little more work
*what do the search results look like: for example, in certain cases Google localizes search results to where it would be hard to make 1 common page ranking for several geospecific keyword variations.
osometimes you can use a different strategy than what competitors are doing and what shows up in the SERPs, but generally what's working is a good starting-point (since mimicking it removes some variables from the equation).
* competition : whereas if it is strong you may have to be more granular to compete, if the competition is weak you can get away with targeting more on 1 page
othe big explanation for this idea is that whenever people search they frequently visually design match while scanning...looking for the shapes of the word instead of reading (and search engines bold the listing as well)
oone way sorta around this is to utilize the page title and the H1 to target slightly different variations of the keyword...because Google sometimes will show whichever looks more for searches for "used xyz" they will show the page title if it has "used xyz" in it...and then if the H1 has "refurbished xyz" in it, then when people search for "refurbished xyz" they will see the H1 in the search results
*investors be prepared to invest enormous when something seems like it has a good chance to be profitable. we are the same way.
* The algorithms are constantly changing and dynamic.
oboth the above links in the posts are illustrations of how the answer last August might have been a bit different than what I wrote above.
oas people adjust to what Google is doing Google may dial down the power of anchor text to stream cross-page within a site for many kinds of sites.
goes without saying that Bing may also drive significant traffic. some sites that were hit by Panda are creating more revenue from Bing or Yahoo! than they do from Google.
Oby leveraging both strategies, you can better isolate issues when the change (if certain pages and keywords tank when others do not) * and it
nike free 5.0 and when you consider that Bing powers Yahoo! Search too, that is actually a 2 : 1 difference.
onobody plans and hopes on getting penalized, but it really is nice to still produce some decent revenues from a site even in case your web site has a falling out of Google's graces.
all the above is based on the assumption you have a website small enough that you are paying significant attention to editorial on a page by-page basis and do it yourself. one other factor is keyword overlap with brands and such. even if you have a page for each particular brand being reviewed, it could make sense to have an overview table, because plenty of keyword searches are structured similarly to x vs y, or a or b, or is q better than r, etc. and an overview page makes it possible to capture those sorts of search queries. those forms of searches are common across brands and within different models of the same brand, and they are inclined to be somewhat into the conversion funnel to already want to compare a couple alternatives. then from there you might use many of these tools to help bucket the keywords and write out your page titles and H1 headings aligned with keywords. nike free run 2