
STEP BY STEP 英語表現 099

chip off the old block

《a ~》〔性格・行動・外見などが〕(父)親にそっくりな(息)子◆直訳すると「元の木塊からとれた一片」という意味で、a chipは「子ども」、the old block は「親」を指す。〔英辞郎〕


RORY: Hey, how’s Diane?

CHRISTOPHER: Uh, Diane is ancient history.

RORY: When I met her at Easter you said she could be the one.

CHRISTOPHER: The one to be gone by Memorial Day.

RORY: You’re worse than mom.

LORELAI: Low blow.

CHRISTOPHER: Can’t keep a feller happy?

LORELAI: Oh I keep them happy. I keep them very happy.

RORY: Ok, now. Don’t get gross.

CHRISTOPHER: Yeah you’re upsetting us.

RORY: I’m gonna go study before the food gets here.

CHRISTOPHER: What? Tomorrow’s Saturday.

RORY: I know, I like to get my weekend homework done and out of the way by Saturday night so then I can do extra-credit stuff on Sunday [leaves]

LORELAI: Don’t look at me.

CHRISTOPHER: She’s a great kid Lor. I wish I could say I see more of myself in her other than we have similar left ear lobes, but she’s all you - chip off the old perfect block.

LORELAI: Why the hell are you here?

CHRISTOPHER: Behold the queen of the subtle transition.

LORELAI: Why are you here?

CHRISTOPHER: You’re gonna force me to lawyer up officer.

LORELAI: Christopher.

CHRISTOPHER: Ok look. I’ve been making some changes, especially my career and I think I finally have all my ducks lined up in a row.

LORELAI: You’re opening a shooting gallery.

CHRISTOPHER: I’ve been tying up loose ends in my life.

LORELAI: Do they make that much string?

CHRISTOPHER: You know you’ve always had that verbal thing, quick mind - it’s annoying.

LORELAI: So you’ve been tying up loose ends.

CHRISTOPHER: I don’t know how much your dad has told you but I’m on the verge of kind of a big success, it’s for real this time. I’ve got a company with an actual cash flow, I’ve got employees, I’ve got an accountant for God’s sake. He wears a tie and says words like ‘fiduciary’ and ‘ironically’. I mean it’s for real this time Lor.

LORELAI: I would love to believe it is.

CHRISTOPHER: [sighs] Why does your dad have more faith in me than you.

“Gilmore girls” - Season 1 Episode 15