STEP BY STEP 英語表現 023

The apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree.




 父親 Jimmy の Put the bat down.「バットを置け」という台詞で映画『シャイニング』を思い出す方もいるでしょう(バットを振り回すウェンディーに「バットを置け」というシーン)が、ここでは hold the horses「ちょっと待って、落ち着いて」のような意味で使われていることがわかります。to bust my balls の balls は(野球の)ボールのことを指しているのではないのは明らかですが、batの譬えで制止しています。




JIMMY: Jess, man, come on, you can't stay here.

JESS: Why not?

JIMMY: 'Cause you can't.

JESS: Why not?

JIMMY: 'Cause you can't.

JESS: Why not?

JIMMY: Because you can't.

JESS: Well, I'd ask "why not" but it doesn't seem to be getting me anywhere.

JIMMY: Look at me, Jess. I'm not a father. I was never a father. I left you because I wasn't a father. I mean it, the minute the cigar was finished, I was like, "What the hell are you doing? You can't take care of yourself. How are you gonna take care of someone else?"

JESS: That's not why -

JIMMY: I can't take you in, I can't raise you.

JESS: Raise me? I'm eighteen! I'm raised. I can vote, I can be drafted. It's a little late to throw me a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle birthday party.

JIMMY: I thought you didn't come here to bust my balls.

JESS: I didn't.

JIMMY: Well, then put the bat down, man.

JESS: I don't need a daddy. I just need a place to crash.

JIMMY: Do you even understand that it's only been the last five years that I've even started to put my life together? You don't wanna be around me. I am a screw-up. That is my genetic code.

JESS: Well, the apple doesn't fall too far from the tree.

JIMMY: Don't say that. You're young, you can do anything you want.

JESS: A month. Just let me stay a month.

JIMMY: Are you listening? I have nothing to offer you. Nothing.

“Gilmore girls” - Season 3 Episode 21


 類似表現 Like father, like son.「この父にしてこの子あり(親子は似る」)という諺の母娘版 Like mother, like daughter. にも出会っています(“Gilmore girls ” ならではですね)ので、こちらも紹介させていただきます。


MAX: I missed you.

LORELAI: Oh I’m glad. Otherwise that greeting there would’ve been a little inappropriate.

MAX: You know actually, I’ve been thinking about us lately.

LORELAI: You have?

MAX: Haven’t you?


MAX: No?

LORELAI: No. I haven’t given it any thought at all.

MAX: I’m flattered.

LORELAI: No, I needed not to give it any thought at all otherwise I would give it too much thought and that would be hard and so I just didn’t deal. Like mother, like daughter I guess.

MAX: Oh I understand.

“Gilmore girls” - Season 1 Episode 17


LORELAI: Well, I wanted to talk to you about Rory and uh, this ridiculous accusation about her being a loner and how that's somehow something bad.

HEADMASTER: Well, it is bad.

LORELAI: No, it's not bad, it's just her. I raised Rory to do what she wants as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. And I don't see how her reading a book or listening to a Walkman is hurting anyone.

HEADMASTER: It's hurting her.

LORELAI: I respectfully disagree.

HEADMASTER: That doesn't surprise me, based on my research.

LORELAI: What research?

HEADMASTER: When I saw your name on the appointment list, I decided to have a look at the file.

LORELAI: Ah yes, Rory's file's been of a lot of interest to you guys lately, hasn't it?

HEADMASTER: I wasn't talking about Rory's file. I was talking about yours.

LORELAI: I have a file?

HEADMASTER: You most certainly do.

LORELAI: It's tiny.

HEADMASTER: It's very thin.

LORELAI: Well that's good, right? It means I haven't gotten into a lot of trouble.

HEADMASTER: On the contrary, a thin file for a parent indicates lack of participation.

LORELAI: Oh, now wait a minute. I've participated in stuff.

HEADMASTER: You attended the bake sale.

LORELAI: And I sold stuff.

HEADMASTER: Then promptly left.

LORELAI: I was busy.

HEADMASTER: Without fraternizing with the other Chilton parents at all.

LORELAI: Busy, busy, busy like a really tall bee.

HEADMASTER: Like mother, like daughter.

LORELAI: Okay, hold on.

HEADMASTER: Ms. Gilmore, active participation in Chilton activities for a parent is vitally important.


HEADMASTER: This is a list of organizations sponsored by Chilton. Parent groups dedicated to certain specific tasks.

LORELAI: Uh, my…

HEADMASTER: Any one of them would be honored by your participation.

“Gilmore girls” - Season 2 Episode 07