ドキドキHello Everyone!ドキドキ
Today I had school パンチ!
It was REALLY nice having Wednesday off ラブラブ
I'd say every Wednesday should be a free day ビックリマーク
Today in school I had a study hall with my friends Kristen and Charlie ドキドキ
And during lunch my friend Tori painted my nails with sparkly purple Justin Bieber nailpolish ネイル
I'll show you a picture of them tomorrow though because my webcam was not working today for some odd reason グッド!


Today my family got my half sisters and we went out to eat ナイフとフォーク
They are so adorable I love them ラブラブ

We went to a pizza place ラーメン
I got a sub though ハンバーガー
It was good but veryyyy slow A=´、`=)ゞ
There was only 1 waitress so I felt bad for her アップ


Today I also recorded a dance くつ
It's so cute!!
Check it Out! 音譜

☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*

So we actually got a snow day today ニコニコ
So all day I just relaxed and it was nice ぐぅぐぅ
I mostly played Diner Dash haha DASH!


Then I saw my aunt later today and she gave me my birthday present ドキドキ

長音記号2A shirt長音記号2


My face is so awkward (。・ε・。)
長音記号2A camie長音記号2


prettypretty ドキドキ
長音記号2And an over thing長音記号2


This picture is definitely the worst ショック!
Then we went out to dinner which was ok ナイフとフォーク


ドキドキHello everyone!ドキドキ
Today I had school, the usual 音譜
People are saying tomorrow there's supposed to be a snow storm 雪の結晶
I'm really wishing there is oneビックリマーク And that there is no scoolラブラブ
But, my school never closesかお
I really hope it doesn't though (・ω・)/


Today I started researching for my French project that's due in a few months OK
I have the region of France called "le limousin" 手紙
It's a rural part of France with lots of cows おうし座
And that's about it にひひ
I chose it because I've never heard about it before so I wanted to learn something new! ニコニコ

☆*゚ ゜゚*☆*゚ ゜゚*

*☆*:;;;:*☆*:;;;:Wish for a snowday!*☆*:;;;:*☆*:;;;:
