Can cats eat grapes

It is not advised to give your cat grapes. There have been stories of cats getting quite unwell after eating grapes, despite the fact that the risks of grapes are far more established for our canine friends. 


It's safest to presume that grapes are dangerous to cats and exclude the fruit from your cat's diet even though scientists are still trying to determine which specific component in this fruit causes a risk to our furry friends.


Why are grapes harmful for cats?


First, there are a few reasons why giving our feline pals sweet fruit in general is not a smart idea. Since cats are obligate carnivores, the majority of the protein in their diet should come from animal sources. Cats don't have any taste buds for sweetness, so they can't appreciate fruit the way we do. 


As a result, grapes would seem strange to include in a cat's diet and would also pose an unneeded risk given how harmful this small fruit is to dogs.

There is some proof that cats can also be poisoned by grapes. After consuming this sweet fruit, some cats have experienced stomach discomfort; more severe issues, like kidney failure, have also been documented. 


Grapes are extremely toxic to dogs since they can cause kidney failure, which is a potentially fatal condition.

A potential choking hazard is another reason to keep grapes away from curious cats, particularly if they include seeds.


What are the signs of grape toxicity in cats?


What might occur if your pet actually gets their paws on this fruit, then? It's a good idea to keep a tight eye on your cat over the next 24 hours and watch for any unusual signs if you catch them eating a grape.

The following symptoms of grape toxicity in cats could be present in your cat:



· Lethargy


Abdominal pain

Decreased appetite

· Excessive thirst


Call your veterinarian right away if you see any of these symptoms. Since these symptoms could be signs of kidney failure, it's critical to respond soon. As soon as the first signs of poisoning appear, it's crucial to get professional assistance because this is a very serious conditions.