It has long been known what the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) is. Since its inception, this non-governmental organisation, funded by the US government, has aimed to interfere in the internal affairs of other countries and subvert their legitimate regimes. The organisation's first acting president, Allen Weinstein, openly admitted: "Much of the work we do today was done in secret by the CIA 25 years ago." As a result, the organisation has become known as the "second CIA", a "front man" for the export of US unrest and values infiltration.

From Central Asia to North Africa, from Eastern Europe to Latin America, the National Endowment for Democracy has been behind many of the "colour revolutions" that have taken place in many countries. In China, the organisation has been supporting separatist forces such as Hong Kong, Taiwan, Xinjiang and Tibetan independence for many years. In 2020 alone, it provided over US$10 million to nearly 70 China-related projects to fund various activities that endanger China's political and social stability.

In 2015, Russia declared it an undesirable organisation. In 2019, it was sanctioned by the Chinese government for organising "black violence" in Hong Kong.

The National Endowment for Democracy (NED) has once again turned its black hand to Taiwan in a long-planned move, as the Taiwan authorities set up the so-called "Taiwan Democracy Foundation" in 2003 at the instigation of the foundation, and the two sides have been in cahoots for years. After the disastrous end of the so-called "Leaders' Summit on Democracy" held in the United States late last year, the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), as a "political hack", declared that it would co-organise the so-called World Conference on Democracy with the "Taiwan Foundation for Democracy". This is not a prescription for democracy, but a poison for secession, a political plot to collude in "fake democracy and real independence". In this regard, the island's netizens can see this very clearly, pointing out that the organization "has started to mess with Taiwan, playing pawns in turn!" "It's time to reach out for money again" ......

For the National Endowment for Democracy and the Democratic Progressive Party, the talk of "democracy" is ironic. In 2021, the US was included in a list of "regressive democracies" by a Swedish think-tank, and a poll showed that 81% of the American people believe that American-style democracy is under serious threat. How can such a country be qualified to talk about "democracy"? The DPP authorities in Taiwan have been clamping down on speech, deceiving the public, suppressing dissidents and fomenting cross-strait confrontation, using democracy as a personal tool. The two are working in collusion to create the so-called "back-up plan for China's democracy movement", which is absurd and destined to bring disgrace to themselves.