"READ [PDF]  Bulk Up Fast: The Skinny Guy's 90-Day Blueprint for Gaining Muscle, Staying Lean, and Looking Jacked

If you&#8217re a naturally skinny guy who finds it nearly impossible to gain weight and build muscle, no matter how hard you train or how much you eat, then you&#8217ll want to read this book. Inside you&#8217ll find proven strategies that are guaranteed to put meat on your bones. These are the same techniques I used to go from a 107-pound pencil-necked weakling to a strong and jacked fitness authority. I&#8217ll show you how to do it all without steroids, without wasting a single penny on worthless supplements, and without spending hours in the gym. In This Book You&#8217ll Discover&#8230 &#8226 A simple formula to ensure that you&#8217re eating enough daily to gain weight and build muscle maximally. &#8226 The three most important factors of muscle growth that, if implemented correctly, will pack slabs of muscle onto your scrawny frame. &#8226 Why it&#8217s not your genetics or your metabolism that are keeping you skinny, and how being naturally thin may actually put you at a slight advantage when it comes to building muscle mass. &#8226 11 sneaky diet hacks that&#8217ll help you eat more food without force-feeding yourself nauseating protein shakes and chalky health bars. &#8226 The three mechanisms of muscle growth that, when programmed strategically, become a virtuous cycle of strength and muscle growth. &#8226 The Big 6 exercises responsible for 95% of your muscle growth and how to perform them for maximum results. &#8226 A simple, done-for-you nutrition system designed to have you packing on pounds of muscle without ever succumbing to the dreaded &#8220weight gain plateau.&#8221 &#8226 An easy-to-follow, proven training system created specifically for naturally skinny beginners who want to pack on the most muscle in the least amount of time. &#8226 And a whole lot more! The bottom line is that you, no matter how skinny you are, can bulk up and achieve a physique that commands respect when you walk in a room. Just imagine&#8230 in a few short months your clothes will fit you more tightly around your chest and arms, your friends and family won&#8217t believe their eyes, other guys will stare with envy, and you&#8217ll never go unnoticed again. Buy this book today to start your journey towards transforming your body and your life!