- I am always afraid of the dark and things which are familiar with dark, as well as I couldn't get well with the cold blooded animals, like INSECTS, amphibians, reptiles, fish and so on...

- The best things in our lives are always for free, such as love, smile, family, sunshine, hugs, sleep, friendship, laughter, good health... The first and foremost of all our human survival skills is sustaining relationships. Unfortunately, money isn't one of these things. But don't worry, it never was, so nothing lose.看板持ち


- As for my life, i keep let the sunshine in.





What I will think about love




Everyone yearns for that magical feeling of being in love.

What we dream of, deep down - Not just a partner, but a soul mate.


Sometimes, if we've been single for a long time, we can start to wonder whether we should just give up - We may even feel embrassed for wanting romance as much as we do. If you 've ever felt that way...oh I really want to tell that you are simply feeling the way that nature intended.


As children, we bond passionately with our parents. - As adults, that need matures and transforms. We become filled with the desire for romantic love. We simply transfer out attachment from our primary caretakers new "base", if we can find one, and for most of us, that's a romantic partner.


Love may noy always be easy to find, but it is literally the most natural thing in the world to want. When we can give and receive love with the whole-heartedly, we are at our strongest.

TO BE CLEAR: Love is yout biological foundation, your ancestral legacy. It's love that makes us human being, and it's love that keep us alive as a species.


The study that René Spitz conducted in 1940s showed the devastating effects of isolation on behavior. More than a third of children who were evacuated and raised in an orphanage after World War II, died befor their second birthday. Not from starvation or exposure, but from a fundamental :"failure to grow just because the lack of hugs, play, and attention." Infants without warm, nuturing, supportive care and affection will develop anaclitic depression. If the situation lasted for more than five months, the infants' anaclitic depression could be continually worse...


A baby giraffe is able to walk a few minutes after birth, whereas we human are born helpless, and need care from a parent figure to survive our early years. Some scientists even argue that we rose from knuckle-walking primates to bipedal humans so that our men could free up arms to carry their young babies. A well-nurtured baby grows well, but lack of nurture if harmful, even when we're clean and fed.


In the final, 

- Staying curious, passionate, cheerful, and kind can be the best recipe for a happy long-term relationship. Holding people away from you, and denying yourself's love, that will never make you stronger. A happy relationship can help us to stay cheerful and kind.





・Effects of social isolation on mental health from Tulane University



・Attachment Theory