2009年からスタートし、約13年間続けたAMEBA BLOGを終了します。





今までAMEBA BLOGを読んでくださった方々、本当にありがとうございました。












I restarted job as a teacher of biology in private high school.


When I first restarted, I couldn't got a moticvation for job so I couldn't catch the pace of job.


Maybe I forget pace of job as a teacher...



But, recently I'm fun to job because I have best pertners in works.

I apreciate for bless environment for work.



Tanks to I'm busy these days because I'm a member of educational curriculum department.


But I'm not a homeroom teacher for after a longtime so I was a little releaved when I hear that.


I have to job and harder more than last month(last year).

But I thought I need to work calmly.

今月から私学 生物教師として仕事が再開しました。



I was graduated from graduate school at Tsukuba university.


This 2 years, I think I could spend so speciality time.


Thanks for met a lot of best friend and teach from the best professers.


Look buck, I spended very hard life because I had to research early time to midnight everyday.


I thought I want to retired but I'm not choiced it because I thought  I want to change and improve more than past me.



Further, 2years ago I thought I want to be human who can change the education so I entered this graduate school.



As a result , I got spesial experience and got a lot of invaluable my perfect meeting.



I think I have to new challenge for education because I could get those experiences. 



























●Some people say that writing an essay is a good exam for evaluating students. What do you think about that?

I agree.

Because, recent years essay of exam are increasing in some schools.
Also, essay is can get logical thinking skills.

〇 Today, some people buy virtual currency such as Bitcoin and Ripple. Do you think more people will buy virtual currency in the future?

Because, there are so dangerous.
Also there are not enough to information.

English discussion challenge!


●Some people say that, by using credit cards to buy something, you can spend less money on your life. What do you think about that?


I dis agree.

Because, I can trust cash more than dredit card.

Forexample, some store can't use cerdit card for buy somethings.



●Some people say that coffee shops should not use single-use plastic straws when serving ice drinks. What do you think about that?



I agree that should not single-use straws.

Because, That is not  good for environment and wlid animals.

Forexample,When plastic single-use straws  burning , generat harmful gas for environment



●Some people say that companies should allow their employees to wear casual clothes like jeans or T-shirts. What do you think about that?



I agree that company should allow wear casual clothes.

Because,This can stop the glabal worming.

Also,formal suit is so hard because so hot.


〇It is often said that Japanese children today study English more than before. Do you think children should spend more time studying English?
Yes. → Why?
No. → Why not?



Because, recent years, increase forginers came to Japan.

So Japanese have to talk and study English.

Further, Japanese who go to abroad are increases.


〇 It is often said that too much food is wasted in Japan. Do you think the amount of such food will increase in the future?
Yes. → Why?
No. → Why not?



Because, some people challenge dicrease for waste food.

Further, recent years people keep in mind to stop the waste food.




〇 Many people visit foreign countries for sightseeing and visit famous tourist spots. Do you think that is a good way to get to know their cultures? 
Yes. → Why?
No. → Why not?


Because, people should learn to other country's culture.

People need more go to abroad as sightseeing and visit famous tourist spots for that.






Some people say that all people should take a PCR test. What do you think about that?


I dis agree.

Because I think people can choose to take a PCR test.

forexample, People have right of choose to all things.


But, If they have eraly childhood or seniors in them family , they should take a PCR test.

Because eraly childhood and seniors are high to possibility of die.





It is common for people to send messages online. Do you think exchanging message online is better than speaking on the phone?



Because, messaege online is so convinient more than speaking on the phone.

Further, We don't miss check the online message.



By the way, I don't like phone to talk very much.

because I lost a lot of time and stopping to natural flow of life.

Further, I'm so scary because I don't know who the call is from when came phone to me.

I think that people should use more Email, LINE,messenger and document share when send message.
















Some people say that AI(Artificial Intelligence) will take over our jobs. What do you think about that?


I agree that AI will take over our jobs.


I have two reasons.

First of all, I think AI is continue to increasing and developing anywhere.

So people is take over jobs.

Forexample,  ticket macine was changed to auto matic long ago.


Also, people hope to be convinient society.

Convinient society can help a lot of people.

Forexample, Olders will become able to can do anything to minimum action.



In Japan, many students wear face masks for COVID-19. Do you think schools should make students wear those masks. 


Yes,I strongly agree.

I think school students should wear masks.

Because, now covid-19 is infection spread for around the world so school student are should protected for covid-19.

School students have future and family so covid-19 may infection to students family.

Among them, covid-19 shouldn't infection to olders because olders may die by covid-19.


for these reasons,I think that school students are should wear masks.





















I want to go to “ume matsuri” in Mito Ibaraki.

I live in Tsukuba Ibaraki but I have been to Mito this year.

My old friends are  in Mito better than Tsukuba.

For example my pair of soft tennis when I was university’s student is from Near the Mito.
About 10 years ago I had trip to that friend’s home in near the Mito because for practice to soft tennis together.

Then I was so excited so I stayed 2weeks.

That friend’s family was so kindness to me so I got along with them.


Some people say that we should limit the number of tourists who visit famous places of natural beauty. What do you think about that?



I agree that we should limit the number of tourists who visit famous places of natural beauty.


I have two reasons.

First of all, I think some peple are still haven't learn enough common sense for go to place of natural beauty.

Forexample,often some people throw away trash anywhere.

If it's increase, place of natural beauty is disappear in the future.



Also, It's not good for wild animals too.

They have been losting their residence by invade for human since long ago.

People may hadn't sense of guilt, but It have been robbing wild animals residence certainly.


People who go to place of natural beauty are should learn to natural and wild animals.


For these reasons, I think we should limited the number of tourists who go to place of natural beauty.























These days, many people read digital books on their computers. Do you think people will stop buying paper books in the future?


I'm fifty-fifty on that one.

I think that many people read digital books on their computers, so people will decrease buying paper books.

But I think will don't stop buying paper books perfectly.


I have two reasons.

First of all, I'm graduate school student (but untill 2years ago I was teacher of biology) so we have to read a lot of paper thesis.

The reason why is we have to highwrite and memo to important point in thesis.


Also, digital books are not guarantee for continue to remain in long time future.

If computer broken, possibility that dangiarous to disappear digital books.


Ofcourse, these years tecnology is so development so may don't disappear that.

Forexample digital books can save to cloud. 

But no body knows that certainly in the future.


I keep in mind to buy that important books.












