The cleaning business, while not the most glamorous of industries is nevertheless a fast growing multi-billion dollar business in the US and offers entrepreneurs unique opportunities to profit and earn a 'six figure' annual salary.


Let's examine the cleaning industry and look at how much money it is possible to earn and what it takes to get to the 'six figure' level.

How much Money can you make Cleaning?

Most small cleaning business owners who work at it full-time as sole operators in their first year are able to earn between $20,000 and $30,000. Once they are able to take on employee, build up some local reputation and get good systems in place then a $100,000 annual income is not unrealistic and much more is possible for those who put in the effort.

What Separates the 'Six Figure' Operators from the Rest?

Here are ten factors to consider that typically separate the high income earners from the rest -

1) Different cleaning niche markets offer different opportunities. In some cities and states in can be easier to make it in the office cleaning sector and in other areas the carpet cleaning sector is more lucrative. It all depends on local demand and how many companies are catering to that demand.

2) Start building your brand right from the start and view it as your company's most valuable asset.

3) Develop and refine systems that make sure that your business runs smoothly. Constantly look into ways of increasing the productivity of your cleaning crews.

4) Realize the importance of having a great sales system. Focus your efforts on converting an increasing number of leads into customers.

5) Up-sell your clients with services related to cleaning, premium services or more frequent service.

6) To scale up to the 'six figure' level you must learn how to hire, train and organize teams of workers to do the cleaning while you focus on running the business.

7) Learn how to run successful advertising campaigns and learn about modern marketing methods such as networking, cross promotions with related businesses and 'word of mouth' marketing.

8) Value your customers. Treat them as individuals and frequently remind them how much you appreciate their business. Satisfied customers can lead to referrals, and acquiring customers through this method is free.

9) Have the right attitude. People sometimes stereotype cleaners in a negative way. There is nothing wrong with being a cleaner for a living but you should view yourself as a businessman or woman first and foremost.

10) Research and learn continuously. Educating yourself about the cleaning business and business management in general doesn't stop once you set up your company.

Could you start a successful cleaning business and earn over $100,000 a year?

Before your cleaning company can have effective sales efficiency, the first question you need to ask yourself is: "Who is my ideal customer and what does my customer profile look like?" It is important as a first step you define what characteristics your commercial cleaning company are looking for in a customer and be able to differentiate strong prospects from weak prospects. As an example:

Customer Characteristics:

1) Proximity/Location - Is the customer in an area I service?

2) Upsell Opportunities- Do I have the opportunity to sell additional cleaning services or service additional locations?

3) Frequency of Service - Is the account 1x, 2x, 3x, or 7x a week service?

4) In House Operation - Does the customer have their own cleaning operation?

5) Market Segment - Is the customer Office, Industrial, School, Apartment Complex, etc?

6) Scope of Work - Does the customer have a real need or possible need for my cleaning services?

7) Size of Account (Small Business, Med-Large, Government, Corporate) - Do I have the infrastructure to support the cleaning requirements?

8) Share Vision - Does the customer have similar company value and principles?

Qualities of good prospect:

1) Prospect has a genuine need that your cleaning service can fill.

2) The prospect knows you; likes you, respects your business and cleaning industry.

3) Prospect values results/benefits more than cost/price.

4) Able to make a decision.

5) Good source for referral

Qualities of poor prospect:

1) Prospect is critical of your cleaning service.

2) Prospect hassles and complains over your price.

3) Prospect compares you unfavorably to competitors.

4) Prospect is indecisive about taking action.

5) Prospect is not a good source of referral or resales.

This is a sample list. You have to define what is important to you and your commercial cleaning company. By going through this exercise you will know exactly who you want as a customer and why, as well as help eliminate wasting time prospecting in areas that indeed you are not interested in but didn't realize it. More importantly, you will begin to identify your "sweet spot" and lay the foundation on creating targeted, effective Sales & Marketing campaigns.