How to program machine embroidery digitizing designs for caps, information is a dime a dozen everywhere. But for some reason, every time I see a new design that needs to be attached to the front of the cap, I start to panic and think: which of the well-known rules will work in this case? And every time as in the first grade, although from a theoretical point of view everything seems to be clear and understandable.

So, I will move on to sounding the theoretical foundations of creating an embroidery design on caps.

It is advisable to make the design, not complex, large. It is better to clean up unnecessary details, without which you can "live".

·       Design dimensions are typically 2.25 "(55mm) high and 4.5" (112.5mm) wide. To be sure what exactly from the design will be embroidered in such a small size, there is a standard recommendation - to print the design on a 1: 1 scale and attach it to the embroidery site. Then it will immediately become obvious what will be embroidered and what will not.

·       The density of the embroidery can be slightly increased compared to the usual for such fabrics (for example, use 0.3-0.35mm for twill). But it seems to me that the meaning of density is still a matter of taste for every embroidery designer.

·       Remove frame stitches further from the edge of the object (more than 0.7mm).

·       The minimum dough size is 6-7mm.

·       Avoid complex strokes (double satins, satins + simple stitching, etc.).

·       Avoid long runs between elements.

·       Since the embroidery on the front of the cap is not on a plane, but on a rounded surface, during the embroidery process there is a greater likelihood of deformation of the contours, and, as a result of this, it is more likely that the contours will be misaligned at the junction or simply missed the right place by design. To avoid this, you need to follow the simple rules for collecting the sewing sequence:

·       Large or center objects are sewn first.

·       Additional color changes are added. For example, if the letter has a stroke, then the stroke is best done immediately after embroidering the letter itself.

·       The embroidery should be planned from the center to the sides and from the visor to the top of the cap. The picture below shows a classic example when a word is written on the front part. In this case, the sewing sequence will be as follows: first, the letters "Rivka" from the center seam to the side, then "seam":

It is necessary, if possible, to avoid getting letters on the seam by moving the inscription to the side.

·       If you still have to embroidery digitizing services at the seam, then you can try to iron it. To do this, it is usually advised to do the following: overlap the seam across with a specially digitized zigzag. The color of the threads for this is usually matched to the tone of the cap fabric:

·       To smooth the surface of the cap before the main embroidery, you can use the following trick - put such a special frame in the form of leaf veins to match the fabric of the cap (one of the varieties of ray frames.

·       You should always consider the option of using an applique, which you just need to sew on the cap around the perimeter.

Everything seems to be clear. And all the same, every time like the first when you are dealing with caps and you have to turn on your head. And of course, to consult with people more experienced and competent than me.