"Readbooks$ The Leather Crafting,Wood Burning and Whittling Starter Handbook: Beginner Friendly 3 in 1 Guide with Process,Tips and Techniques in Leatherworking and Wood Crafting (DIY Series) F.R.E.E

Are you looking for hobbies that can be a favorite weekend pastime for young, old, and teens alike?Well, you can get 3 of them in a single book: u Leather Crafting /u  u Wood Burning  /u  u Whittling /u  u We all need few hobbi /u es to unwind, relax, and cut off from the routine chores and excessive technology u (Digital Detox). /u Also, whether you are young, old, or teen, across all age groups, these activities are required for different reasons.Like for older lot, it&#8217s about being active and busy, and for a younger lot, it&#8217s about spending some time not thinking about work. For kids, it&#8217s about cultivating a focused work ethic in one activity in the times of million distractions and longer screen times!This book would present you with minimalistic and value-packed information on these three crafts, which would enable you to start and finish your first project.About the AuthorI am a Technology Consultant by profession and started my leathercraft and woodcraft 