エッセイにチャレンジ!Part 1 | こども英会話・プリスクール  ブレインズキディクラブスタッフブログ

こども英会話・プリスクール  ブレインズキディクラブスタッフブログ

 横浜鶴見と三重県四日市にあるこども英会話・プリスクール ブレインズ・キディクラブのスタッフが毎日のレッスンの様子などをブログにしました。


エッセイにチャレンジ!Part 1

エッセイは「導入(Introduction)」「本文(Main Body)」「結論(Conclusion)」の構成で書かれます。ブレインズキディクラブオリジナルのエッセイブックを使い、先生のサポートを受けながら、楽しく文章力を伸ばしています。

例えば、先生が「What vehicle did you choose?」と質問すると、生徒は「I choose a sports car.」と答えます。先生はすぐに「I 'chose' a sports car.」と文法を直し、生徒もリピートして正しい文法を学んでいきます。このように、間違いをその場で確認しながら進めていくため、確実に理解を深められます。




Essay Writing Challenge! Part 1
At Brains Kiddy Club, essay writing is also part of our curriculum. This time, we’re showcasing how our International Pre-school students are working on essays with the theme of "vehicles."

An essay is structured into an "Introduction," "Main Body," and "Conclusion." Using our original Brains Kiddy Club essay book, students improve their writing skills while having fun with support from their teachers.

For example, when the teacher asks, "What vehicle did you choose?" the student answers, "I choose a sports car." The teacher immediately corrects, saying, "I 'chose' a sports car." The student then repeats the correction, learning the proper grammar. This method of immediate feedback ensures a deeper understanding.

This time, we are focusing on practicing the "Introduction" part of the essay. Stay tuned for our next update, where we’ll show the students practicing the "Main Body"!

Benefits of Writing Essays
Writing essays helps children develop expression, logical thinking, creativity, grammar understanding, and critical thinking skills. It also boosts their confidence and fosters a sense of community.

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