ノリノリの1歳児、英語デビュー! | こども英会話・プリスクール  ブレインズキディクラブスタッフブログ

こども英会話・プリスクール  ブレインズキディクラブスタッフブログ

 横浜鶴見と三重県四日市にあるこども英会話・プリスクール ブレインズ・キディクラブのスタッフが毎日のレッスンの様子などをブログにしました。

🌟 ノリノリの1歳児、英語デビュー! 🌟

ブレインズキディクラブに通い始めて1ヶ月の1歳の女の子が、レッスンにもすっかり慣れてきました!✨ 最近はお母さんから離れるのもお手のもの。レッスン中はしっかり先生を見つめて、集中しながらノリノリで楽しんでいます🎶!笑顔もどんどん増えて、みんなで一緒に楽しく学んでいます💕





🌟 A 1-Year-Old Getting into the Groove of Learning English! 🌟

One month after joining Brains Kiddy Club, a 1-year-old girl has already gotten used to being in class without her mom!✨ Now, she’s fully engaged during lessons, focusing on the teacher and moving along with the rhythm🎶! Her smiles are increasing day by day, and it’s wonderful to see her having fun while learning 💕

Thanks to attending 5 days a week, she has adjusted quickly, and the days of crying are now a distant memory. Even the kids who cried at the beginning soon warm up to the class and greet us with big smiles when they step into the room😊

Many parents worry: "Is my child okay with all this crying?" or "Should we shorten the course?" But rest assured, children have an amazing ability to adapt, and soon they feel right at home!

💡 Some parents ask, "Isn’t it too early to start learning English at 1 year old?" Actually, starting between 0 and 3 years old is crucial for developing bilingual skills. During this time, children can naturally pick up on the frequency differences between English and Japanese, which will stay with them even into adulthood🌍✨

We’re offering trial lessons at both our Tsurumi and Akuragawa Station locations. Come and experience the joy of English learning with your child at Brains Kiddy Club! 😊💖

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