
「NGO:明日のアジアに架ける橋」趣意書 2005年1月13日            代表:合田真 副代表:山口実 事務局長:大塚聖

A) NGO名称:
Bridges over Asian Dreams  明日のアジアにかける橋

B) NGO設立の目的:

C) NGO設立の背景:

D) 支援の内容:
1) 短期的支援:スマトラ島沖大地震・津波被災国の支援。
1.a) スリランカ・インドネシア被災地支援:当面被害が大きく、本NGO両代表と関係の深いスリランカとインドネシア支援を行う。
1.b) チャリティーイベントの開催:募金の為の音楽イベント等を開催。
1.c) その他の支援:タイの観光支援、マレーシアの漁民支援など現地からの要請に応じて出来ることを対応。

2) 中長期的支援:教育と孤児支援。
2.a) 教育:アジア諸国の被災地又はその周辺地域及び農村地域に教育施設を作り、明日のアジアを担う子供達の成長を支援。
2.b) 孤児支援対策:スマトラ島沖大地震・津波の被災孤児の保護。




January 13, 2005
Prospectus for NGO: “Bridges over Asian Dreams” 
Chairman: Makoto Goda
Vice Chairman: Minoru Yamaguchi
Secretary- General: Kiyoshi Otsuka

A) The Name of NGO:
Bridges over Asian Dreams (“Asu no Asia ni Kakeru Hashi” in Japanese)

B) The Purpose of Founding this NGO:
The purpose of founding this NGO is to support the people over Asian countries including Japan to build the life bases with dreams and hopes for the future and to educate the children who will be in charge of the work. We will do our best everyday to support solution of the existing problems in each country by making best use of experience, knowledge, and connections of the people participating in this NGO and being bridges over Asian countries.

C) The Background of Founding this NGO:
  The Indian Ocean Tsunami is not a disaster which occurred in only one country, but is a big disaster covered the vast regions from the Southeast Asia to the Southwest Asia. We, who have been traveling over Asia and/or living in the suffering countries, cannot just watch the situation without doing anything when we directly hear the voices that our friends and/or our friends’ friends are suffering in the difficult situation. We have decided to found this NGO with the passion to “Do whatever we can to support the suffering people.” as the ones who always long for “living together with the people in the whole Asia by respecting each other and achieving our own roles.”
This Indian Ocean Tsunami may have the more significant meaning as a tragic incident over the countries than the man-made calamities, such as World War I, World War II, and the Cold War since the disaster this time may develop cooperation and mutual understanding over the countries in the course of relieving sorrows and sufferings of the people while wars just leave sorrows, hates, winners and losers. We also hope that with such development of cooperation and mutual understanding in Asia we may pray for the soles of the people suddenly passed away. We can realize the Asian dreams by developing the relationship to see each other’s face, listen to each other’s voice, and do best for each other’s role.
Therefore we, promoters, will call to the people in as many Asian countries as possible, such as China and Korea, etc. in addition to the suffering countries and Japan, and concentrate respective power so that we may found and cherish this NGO.

D) The Outline of Supporting Activities:
1)Short Term:Supporting the suffering countries from the Indian Ocean Tsunami.
1.a)Supporting the suffering areas in Indonesia and Sri Lanka: For the present we mainly support Indonesia and Sri Lanka which suffer most from this disaster and with which the chairmen are familiar.
a.1) Indonesia: We support Ache Province in collaboration with the leaders in Medan, North Sumatra Province and the parties concerned in UN and JICA, etc. We build the shelters for securing orphans’ living and security and manage them or support their management.
a.2)Sri Lanka: We support the disaster areas in collaboration with the parties concerned in Sri Lanka Government, UN, and JICA, etc. We build the shelters for securing orphans’ living and security and manage them or support their management.
a.3)Other supporting activities:We intend to do whatever we can upon requests of the people in the disaster areas, such as support to women and children, etc.
1.b)Holding Charity Event:We hold events, such as music concerts, etc. for raising funds.
1.c)Other Supporting Activities:We intend to do whatever we can upon requests of the people in the disaster areas, such as support to Thai tourism, Malaysian fishery, etc.

2) Middle and Long Term: Support for Education and Orphans
2.a) Education:We build the education facilities in or around the disaster areas and in rural areas of Asian countries so that we may support the growth of the children who will be in charge of Asia in the future.
2.b) Supporting Activities for Orphans: We try our best to protect the orphans in Indian Ocean Tsunami disaster areas.
I agree to the aims and activities described above and participate in the activities of “NGO: Bridges over Asian Dreams (BOAD)” as one of the foundation promoters.
