Making love on the floor does not have to be boring, nor does it have to be in positions similar to those that would be practiced on the bed. However, in these brand, they can become more pleasant because they are carried out on a surface that is completely firm and not like the mattress that, even if it is firm, can sink and not have all the freedom of movement necessary to reach at maximum excitement.
For you to try for the first time or to encourage yourself with other positions, from Sexvibrators we recommend 5 positions to make love on the ground.

Silicon Condom

How to Use Silicon CondomIdeas for making love on the floor: posture El Reloj

This position is one of the easiest to do, being ideal for couples who start making love on the ground. In addition, it is suitable for both heterosexual and homosexual lovers.
The position begins with the person to be penetrated lying on the ground. It is important that the back is well supported because it will be the only point of support that you will have.
Once in that position, you have to raise your legs and open them as if the time were marked on a clock.
It is time for the other person to penetrate.
In the case of homosexual couples made up of men, whoever is on the ground may have to raise their hips a little to facilitate penetration and even raise their legs a little backwards.
An important fact for heterosexual or homosexual couples of two women is that this position to make love on the floor is very satisfying for them because the penetration with the penis or vibrator is deeper. In addition, increased clitoral stimulation is also facilitated.

Can you Use Silicone Lube with CondomsMaking love on the floor: The Trapeze posture

This pose is a little more complicated than the watch pose, but it's worth trying because it's very satisfying.
He has to sit with his legs wide apart, while she has to sit in front of him, resting her buttocks on the floor and sliding her legs over his thighs to interlock her feet behind his back.
Once in that position, the woman has to make a slight elevation of the buttocks to facilitate penetration.
At that moment, he has to hold her by the upper part of her arms, while she in turn holds on to the man's arms.
From that point, she has to begin to lean back until she is completely lying down and well supported on the ground.
La Butaca, another position to have sex on the floor
Another of the most satisfactory positions to make love on the floor is the so-called armchair because it greatly facilitates the stimulation of the woman's clitoris. This position is not complicated to do:

What is Silicon Condom: First, he must sit on the ground.

She then sits across from him, having to put her legs over his shoulders.
In this way, the man has a vision that is very exciting, besides being easy penetration. In addition, you can reach key points inside the vagina such as the G spot.
This position is equally suitable for couples who want to have anal sex, as it facilitates their penetration. If you have never done anal sex, you may find this other article on How to do anal sex for the first time useful.
Having sex on the floor: The Fusion position
Another of the best positions to have sex on the floor is called "The Fusion". To do it, you must do the following:
First, he must sit on the floor, with his back slightly bent back and with the palms of his hands well supported.
When he is in this position, she has to sit on him, being able to have her legs stretched out or bent.
Afterwards, she should lean her back slightly back and rest her hands on the floor.
Finally, the penetration begins.
Positions to make love lying on the floor: Intertwined Legs
In addition to the clock that we mentioned at the beginning, one of the easiest positions to make love on the floor is the so-called intertwined legs. Actually, it is quite similar, but it has some peculiarities. It is also recommended for gay couples.
The person who is going to be penetrated has to lie on the ground with his back well supported and lift only one leg, while the other remains extended on the ground.
In order not to get tired, the raised leg can rest slightly on the partner's shoulder.
From that position, penetration is performed, also allowing easy stimulation of the clitoris in the case of women.
With these 5 positions to make love on the floor, we hope in a HOWTO we have helped you to experiment with your partner in other positions to achieve maximum pleasure. Always remember that every position, before doing it, must be agreed with your partner so that you both agree. If you need more indications to improve your sexual life, always consult with doctors and sexologists.