We talk about Tantra as something millenary, but where exactly does its roots face the tantra? If we want to talk about the origins of Tantra we must even do it with the stone age. The deposits and remains that have reached us of those days has allowed historians to speculate on the time of rituals dedicated to worshiping the woman. Venus and paint statues in the caves tell us about cults to fertility and femininity.

It is in that magma of cults that we could find the original seed of Tantra, although the truth is that this statement cannot be argued except from simple speculation and intuition. The first writing that we could catalog as tantric text dates from the year 500 A.D. and belong to the Hindu culture. Approximately, approximately, dates the first tantric text that we can find in the Buddhist culture.

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Before those texts, Tantra's knowledge should be transmitted orally. As for the birthplace of Tantra, there are many discussions about it. For a long time it was said that the origins of the Tantra had to look for them in India and that it was from there from where he had expanded to the rest of the countries. Subsequent studies made many people begin to defend a Tibetan origin of Tantra. There are those who maintain, even that the origin of Tantra is in some texts written by the Buddha himself.

Be of Hindu origin, be it of Buddhist origin, which seems true is that Tantra was born at a time when Buddhism, Jainism and Vedic traditions were in contact. There are those who speak of Tantra as a set of practices and teachings that should serve as a counterpoint to the ideas of the Hindu priests. For these, the renunciation of sex and pleasures of the senses were sine qua non conditions to understand the mysteries of life. Tantra followers began to defend from the beginning the use of sex as an instrument to achieve lighting.

Whatever the origin of Tantra, the truth is that there comes a time in the history of the Tantra in which two ways of understanding the Tantra, the Hindu and the Buddhist begin to glimpse. And that each of them will evolve differently. Let's see in broad strokes what was the historical evolution of each of the forms of Tantra, right here on Sexvibrators.

Nighty Hot Sex: Tantra Hindu

In the Hindu Tantra there are two basic divinities: Shiva and Shakti. The first is the male principle, representation of the highest state of consciousness. The second, the female principle or cosmic energy. Consciousness and energy, united, give rise to unity. And it is from the union of between Shiva and Shakti where the seven farm of the universe arise.

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In the Hindu Tantra, Shakti is also known as Kundalini and is considered to be asleep in the base farm and hopes to be awakened by yogic practices. The union of Shiva and Skakti occurs in the Sahasrara Chacra and it is that union that allows the supreme happiness to be achieved.

As we have seen, the practice of yoga is fundamental in this branch of Tantra. In it, in addition, we can find several currents or, to put it in some way, different ways to put it into practice.

The five main currents that have appeared in the history of Tantra Hindu are these:

Shakta. Shakti venerators understand that to contact pure consciousness you have to look for three media: the body, the mind and the material world. Within this current we find three main schools: Kaula (the followers of this school practice the techniques of the mahituna to channel sexual energy and reach their spiritual goals), Misra (similar to the Kaulas) and Samaya (school that puts the emphasis on the yóguica practice).





Buddhist tantra

The tantric branch of Tibetan Buddhism is called Vajrayana or Tantrayana. This branch of Tantra shares with the Hindu Tantra many elements, although in each of the branches it acquires a different meaning.

If there are three elements that make Tantra Buddhist of Tantra Hindu the following are:

The renunciation of the idea of an eternal self.

The attitude of the illuminated mind or compassionate renunciation of individual lighting in favor of collective lighting.

The correct philosophy, based on the belief that all phenomena are impermanent.

Another difference between the Buddhist tantra and the Hindu Tantra is that, as well as the second seven farms are used, five are used in the first.

The practices of the Buddhist Tantra allow to achieve what is known as liberation. Liberation occurs when we realize the wrong perception of the world and understanding that, contrary to what we believe, we are not an independent self.

In the Buddhist Tantra, the term equivalent to the Hindu Kundalini is Tun-Mo. Being slightly different, the truth is that both branches of Tantra coincide in the use of desire as a path towards the complete realization of the person.

Another aspect that equals the Hindu Tantra and the Buddhist tantra is that both one and the other, arrived in the West, were reinterpreted according to the western mentality. What did it mean? That the aspects that had more to do with sexual practice were enhanced and more those that had more to do with spirituality were blurred. To this new way of understanding the Tantra we can call it neotantra.