Surely you have ever heard that semen is good for the skin but is this certain statement? The truth is that this male body fluid has been used since distant times to take care of the complexion and get a more hydrated and rejuvenated face, in fact, it is said that even Cleopatra included it in its beauty routine. Is this use given to semen? In this article we will clarify this issue so that you understand if the rumors you have ever heard are best hindi sexx for men.

Sexx Hindi: The use of semen for the skin in history

First of all, we are going to make a brief trip through history to find out where this myth comes from the benefits of the semen for the skin. From the time of Ancient Egypt, one of the oldest medical treaties, the " Papyro Ebers ", 1500 AC and, in it, the use of creams that were prepared based on some of the components found in Semen and, in fact, it has been said that Cleopatra used these ointments and that this was one of its best -stored beauty secrets.
Leaving behind this aspect that can be mythological, the truth is that today it is not strange the complexion. In this article we discover some myths about the semen that are very curious.

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Hindi Hot Sexx: What does semen contain

Now we are going to enter fully into the subject that concerns us and we will answer your doubt: is semen good for the skin? Yes. And the secret of its benefits is found in the composition that he contains and that is ideal to get the skin hydrate and keep it nourished and in perfect condition.
Next we will analyze all the components of which the semen is formed:
Sorbitol (a type of sugar that is suitable for diabetics)
Proteins and amino acids:
Glutathione: It is an antioxidant that helps deal with the effect of free radicals and, therefore, reducing the premature aging of cells
Creatine: It brings energy to our muscles
Phosphorus: It is perfect to help calcium be absorbed and, therefore, that our bones are in optimal conditions
Zinc: Help metabolize energy, reinforces our defenses, keeps our muscles healthy and helps the heart work better
Calcium: Perfect to have a much stronger bone mass
Potassium: essential mineral to achieve cell regeneration and, therefore, make our complexion much cleaner, care and smooth
Vitamin C: Ascorbic acid found in this nutrient helps to increase the protein chains in the collagen and, therefore, get the skin to be younger and smoier
Vitamin B12: Help to better distribute organism's energy

XXX Hindi Sexx: Use semen on the skin

As you can see, within the semen components there are some elements that act directly in our cells helping to regenerate them, nourish them in depth and maintain the elasticity we need to avoid the appearance of wrinkles and aging.
Semen is a fluid full of astringent, rejuvenating and regenerating properties that help improve the appearance of the skin and repair it internally. In addition, the antioxidant we have mentioned in the previous point helps avoid the effect of free radicals, the main causes of aging.
Antioxidants such as spermine between semen components and also help reduce wrinkles as it manages to soften the skin, in addition, by promoting the regeneration of cells, it also manages to correct alterations such as acne, scars or marks of face.
Anyway, you should know that semen can contain sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and that, in contact with some wound or face injury, it can be a contagion path. Therefore, before using the semen for the skin we recommend that you make sure that the man in question is healthy, with health do not play it!
In this article we discover all the benefits of semen for skin and health.
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