Ihave the impression that many men prefer a woman with a narrow vagina. I don't really know about it for me, but I was wondering if there was anything I could do to make my vagina tighter and if having less sex played a big part in that. I ask the question especially now that I've had less sex for a while and I'm curious to know if it plays...Sexvibrators website
–Sarah, 27
Adult Toys India
Let's make one thing clear up front: the vagina cannot shrink or tighten. A vagina also cannot be “stretched” or “enlarged” because of too much sex or if you have sex with a man who is above average.

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The vagina itself therefore cannot be tightened or widened. In fact, by nature, the vagina has the ability to get moist, deeper, and wider when you're aroused. This way it prepares him for penetration. This ability is sometimes referred to as the "  tent effect." Once penetration is complete, however, the vagina returns to its previous state.
Did you know that… the vagina returns to its original state even after childbirth?
The influence of the muscles of the perineum
The size of the vagina is partly due to nature, quite simply. Some women have narrower or shallower vaginas than others.
Whether or not a vagina is “tight” also has a lot to do with the muscles of the perineum (or pelvic floor) that surround it. This group of muscles is responsible for holding the organs of the pelvis in place, including the uterus, intestines and bladder.
“The perineal muscles play an important role in whether a vagina feels narrow or wide. »
These are the same muscles that you tighten to hold urine in, for example. Contraction of these muscles also ensures partial or complete closure of the vaginal opening. The strength of the pelvic floor muscles can therefore cause the vaginal opening to narrow, making the vagina narrower.

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The vagina therefore does not become more or less narrow depending on the frequency of sexual intercourse. However, you can train the vagina by doing targeted exercises of the perineal muscles: Kegel exercises. This can be effective both for women who are “too tight” and for those who wish to have stronger pelvic floor muscles. They can also be used to treat sexual problems such as vaginismus, difficulty ejaculating, or, as a woman, ejaculating too quickly.

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Geisha balls are an additional tool to better control the contraction and relaxation of your pelvic floor muscles and to strengthen them. You can insert them vaginally and hold them in place by contracting your pelvic floor muscles. There are even slightly heavier models so that the efforts that the perineum must make to hold them are more intense. This works the pelvic floor muscles even more.