A Higher Loyalty: The Comey/Stephanopoulos Interview hd where watching without virus




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Maybe. But ask yourself this. Why does atrump have Russians in the oval office ?

The more Comey talks, the more it makes sense why he was fired. Like a referee or an umpire, we shouldn't even know his name other than the day he's hired and the day he's replaced. He interjected himself into the game way too often and talks too much about it..

Comey 'the traitor' is his new name. I cannot wait until he is indicted for Treason against the US government!

Comey is amazing ❤️❤️ thank you sir for your service. The world needs more people like him

He had that laptop for weeks... Screw that pig Comey and after him our FBI has lost all respect....Comey ruined the FBI’s reputation! Comey was having daily one on ones with Trump that he claims made him uncomfortable but he sure did keep going back. Just like he didn’t check the laptop in his possession for weeks. Had he checked it he wouldn’t have needed to have a news conference and wouldn’t have been able to throw our election.... Comey is shocking when he said he would release information to trigger an investigation. This guy is dangerous just like his buddy Trump he had a falling out with now he’s gone public and cashing in on the investigation...Comey sucks!.

Of course Trump took to Twitter. So childish.

Yea and couldn't say the Russians didn't have information on Obama either and no one can say thatabout the unknown! Just because he sounds intellectually doesn't mean he's a moral man..

steve harkleroad isnt it grand that trump cant fire state prosecutors.....think about that......hahahaha

Great interview. Genuine and in depth. He's a good man but he has too much hope in idiots.

All this interview did was feed into the bullshit narrative that Hillary losing the election was everyone's fault but her own. Nevermind that the DNC admitted to rigging the election against Bernie Sanders, or that it was already set up for her to win the nomination with the Superdelegates. Otherwise we wouldn't have Trump as our president, but let's continue to blame everyone else but this corrupt organization that not only thinks they're entitled to the Democratic vote, but controls the way we think through the bullshit media like ABC..

Why do all liberals have the exact same views


Wiener is in JAIL! Wtf!? Obstruction of justice!? Arkancide.com what happened to Seth Rich? Every president has done what you have bullet pointed. I do not like the guy but, at least the KURU queen is not in. Edit: no questions as to why the case on Kuru corpse was dropped either....

James comey play's dumb on the Hillary situation HE KNOWS IT WAS HIS FAULT! and his wife saying, she attacked my husband and I didn't like that. okay, but your husband attacked her first so Hillary can't be angry? Wow COMEY NEEDS TO OWN and admit what he did. But telling the truth is hard for people with huge ego's on a book tour..


Comey and news media - pathetic


How sad he gave this interview. FBI director.  Traitor to put any of this public.  Loyalty?

Truth and rule of law??? What a joke. This guy wrote an exoneration before the investigation was conducted..



Comy speaks of the rule of law and claims Trump violates it. Really? Did Trump let the email scandal be judged and thrown out by him, thus setting himself above the rule of law....what a hypocrite... But Comey did....this man is very dangerous...he claims there was no criminal intent in the email scandal....he decided...now he claim sheepishly it was a mistake?.