i broke up with my ex boyfriend before yesterday.


i had not had boyfriend for 3 and harf year before i started daiting with my ex.


before we started daiting, we have had feeling for each other.


so after just a month of we started texting, we started daiting.


it went too farst, but i did not care because i liked him and he liked me.


i felt happines and loved from him.


a monthe later, some problems happend.


the biggest problem was, our day off was basically not a same day.


i have a day off on every weekend.


he has a day off on weekday usually.


after a monthe, he did not say he wanna see me.


but we met everyweek because of me.


i always asked him first, can we meet today?


i just liked him, so i wanted see him as much as i can.


but he always is tired because of his work.


2nd monthe of oue relationship, we fought.


because we have to stop our date duering the dinner.


his father just came to see him without any announce.


he had never told me the detail about his father.



the point is ....


i do not want to  look back about all of our relationship.


i just wanna get over from this shit.


a docter says beoken heart is like a cocain.


people who break up eith there partners need a weapon to against this cocain.


this cocain makes us think about oue ex was the only the best best person in our life.


and we start think how we can get back together.


at that time, we completely foeget about the dislike points.


ask to my self,


were you happy all minit while you were with him?


why did you fight with your ex?


there was something you can not be patient.


i just wanna fix these problem WITH HIM.


but he did not.


he stopped talking with me .


he did not want to fix our problem.


he run away from OUR problem.


did i love him ?


maybe yes.


i thout i was thoutful for him .


but last day, he said "you have wanted to see me  because you want , even if i kinda did not want. you did not think and care about me. you just did what you want."


even if you care and think about him ang give your kindness to him as much as you can, sometimes these do not work

 at all.


people does not recognise about kindness as same type.


what is kindness for him is depends on him , not me.




i do not know how to  finish this blog.


let me finish here.


im just writting this to heal my HEART which was broken by him.


this is my one of weapon to against fuckin this heart broken cocain.


ill get over it.



i was born and raised in japan .


so there are so many wrong sentences and grammer mistake.