■Pigg Rooms Japan■

■Pigg Rooms Japan■



■DJ mew
Together We Are Beautiful から時間を追ってお聴きになるとちゃんとしたプレイになりますので
sessions 2ラブレターだった1とは違いその日の気分でランダムにかけています
sessions 311は福島第一原発の状況に合わせてセレクトしてます

Pigg Rooms Japan East Start


Pigg Rooms Japan West Start・Mimēsis
誰かのマネをするんじゃなく誰かにマネされる そんなミメーシス(感染的模倣)力をもったオリジナリティ溢れるお部屋造りをされてるクリエーターと呼ぶに相応しいメンバー

PRJW banner


Richard O'Brien, Patricia Quinn, Little Nell & Cast - The Time Warp

It's astounding
Time is fleeting
Madness takes its toll...

(Magenta) Ahh...

(Riff Raff) But listen closely...

(Magenta) Not for very much longer...

(Riff Raff) I've got to keep control.
I remember doing the Time Warp.
Drinking those moments when
The blackness would hit me.

(Riff Raff & Magenta) And the void would be calling.

(Guests) Let's do the Time Warp again.
Let's do the Time Warp again.

(Narrator) It's just a jump to the left.

(Guests) And then a step to the right.

(Narrator) With your hand on your hips.

(Guests) You bring your knees in tight.
But it's the pelvic thrust.
They really drive you insane.
Let's do the Time Warp again.
Let's do the Time Warp again.

(Magenta) It's so dreamy
Oh, fantasy free me
So you can't see me
No not at all.

In another dimension
With voyeuristic intention.
Well secluded I see all...

(Riff Raff) With a bit of a mind flip...

(Magenta) You're into a time slip...

(Riff Raff) And nothing can ever be the same.

(Magenta) You're spaced out on sensation.

(Riff Raff) Like you're under sedation.

(Guests) Let's do the Time Warp again.
Let's do the Time Warp again.

(Columbia) Well, I was walking down the street
Just having a think
When a snake of a guy
Gave me an evil wink.
Well it shook me up
It took me by surprise
He had a pick-up truck
And the devil's eyes
He stared at me
And I felt a change
Time meant nothing
Never would again.

(Guests) Let's do the Time Warp again.
Let's do the Time Warp again.

(Narrator) It's just a jump to the left.

(Guests) And then a step to the right.

(Narrator) With your hands on your hips.

(Guests) You bring you knees in tight.
But it's the pelvic thrust...
That really drives you insane
Let's do the Time Warp again.
Let's do the Time Warp again.
Let's do the Time Warp again

(Columbia) Ah! Oh! Oh! Yeoooww...

(Guests) Let's do the Time Warp again.
Let's do the Time Warp again.

(Narrator) It's just a jump to the left.

(Guests) And then a step to the right.

(Narrator) With your hands on your hips.

(Guests) You bring your knees in tight.
But it's the pelvic thrust
They really drive you insane.
Let's do the Time Warp again.
Let's do the Time Warp again.

ロッキー・ホラー・ショー [DVD]/ティム・カリー,スーザン・サランドン,バリー・ボストウィック

¥1,490 Amazon.co.jp

The Rocky Horror Picture Show/アーティスト不明

¥1,557 Amazon.co.jp

■24hours 365days+1 mix

てことで24hours 365days+1 mixは366曲かけたので終了デス

