"In today&#8217s busy and fast paced world many people forget to say please or thank you, but at the same time we have become extrinsically motivated. We want to be acknowledged and rewarded for the work we do.Over the past nine years I have had the privilege to see first hand how supporting my staff, empowering them, and doing simple things to show my appreciation has increased their drive, ownership, and loyalty to the school, the students, and myself. The first part of this book walks you through initiatives I have implemented while supporting, empowering, incentivizing, and appreciating my staff. Through these initiatives you can see how my staff rose to new levels and to increase student achievement. Whether you agree with the initiatives or not you can easily take how I implemented the various initiatives and utilize the process and support behind them to lead to the success of initiatives you want to implement. Part two of this book shares ways to keep the momentum of your initiatives and campus moving forward and part three is filled with tons of ideas and strategies that can easily be implemented to simply show your staff how much you value, respect, and appreciate all they do every day for our school and students.I have written this book in a way that it would appeal to, benefit, and help anyone in education. For school leaders it can be used as a &#8220how to&#8221 for successfully implementing new initiatives while for teachers it can be a long list of ideas or strategies they can use to show appreciation to their peers or even tweak them to use for their students. As educators when we read books or go to conferences we hear everyone&#8217s philosophy or thoughts while not hearing any concrete ideas or strategies. This book has over 100 concrete ideas and strategies that you can immediately implement!