Solution Overview

In a hospital, being a unique and complex environment with intricate operational and management needs, the Hospital IP Intercom System has become an indispensable tool. This system plays a crucial role in achieving efficient internal communication and ensuring safety and security measures. It is vital for hospitals to excel in their operations, save time, guarantee safety, and minimize losses.


System Topology Diagram

System Characteristic

1.Emergency Assistance:

In case of emergencies such as patient agitation, altercations, self-harm, or falls, relevant personnel can utilize the IP Intercom terminals to make one-click emergency calls for assistance.


2.Real-time Communication:

Nurses' stations on different floors can engage in two-way visual communication through IP Intercom terminals. The system supports multi-party calls, facilitating communication and coordination among medical staff.


3.Fire Broadcasting:

The system can integrate with the fire alarm system. In the event of a fire or other emergencies, it automatically broadcasts warnings and evacuation instructions to the entire area or specific zones. Leaders can also manually initiate emergency broadcasts with a single click.


4.Real-time Announcements:

During routine operations, hospital departments can use the broadcasting system to direct relevant departments based on the situation. For example, when an emergency patient arrives, the broadcasting system can quickly notify relevant medical staff for prompt treatment.


5.Audio and Video Recording:

The system includes audio and video recording capabilities, automatically documenting broadcast and intercom content. This feature facilitates subsequent work discussions and assessments within the hospital.


Solution Application

1. Control Room

a)Deploy system service software to centrally manage data exchange, status monitoring, and audio-video recording for all IP Intercom devices within the system.


b)Deploy Network Video Paging Microphones for broadcasting announcements and responding to emergency calls from IP Intercom terminals at various locations (such as payment counters, pharmacy windows, wards, and indoor public areas).


c)Deploy IP network interface units to integrate with the fire alarm system, enabling seamless coordination between the broadcasting and intercom system and the fire alarm system.



2.Floor Nurse Station

Deploy Network Video Paging Microphones for broadcasting announcements and responding to emergency calls from IP intercom terminals within this floor (such as payment counters, pharmacy windows, wards, and indoor public areas).

3.Payment Counter/Pharmacy Window

Deploying Network Window Intercom allows healthcare professionals to make one-click emergency calls for assistance through IP intercom terminals in case of urgent situations, such as patient agitation or altercations. This system facilitates quick communication and seeking help during emergencies at service points like payment counters or pharmacy windows.

4.Hospital Room

Deploying IP Intercom terminals in patient rooms and placing emergency alarm buttons in bathrooms allows patients to make one-click emergency calls for assistance in case of urgent situations, such as falls. This setup enables patients to seek help quickly either through IP Intercom terminals or alarm buttons, improving response times during emergencies.

5.Indoor Public Areas

a)Deploy IP Intercom terminals on corridor walls. In the event of emergencies such as patient agitation, altercations, or self-harm, relevant personnel can make one-click emergency calls for assistance through the IP intercom terminals to seek help.

b)Install Network ceiling speakers on corridor ceilings. In the event of a fire, these speakers receive warning and evacuation instructions. Additionally, during work directives from leadership, they can receive instructions through the speakers.


6.Outdoor Public Areas

Deploy Network horn speakers to broadcast evacuation messages to surrounding vehicles when emergency patients arrive. This helps in efficiently managing the traffic and gaining valuable time for the treatment of the patient.


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