In Memory of Kumashiro's 9*-4-6*-3* Triple Play | Peanuts & Crackerjack

Peanuts & Crackerjack

Dedicated to the Saitama Seibu Lions organization and its players, baseball itself, and those who want to know what counts most in a given situation you are in and to make right decisions in a confident manner everytime. May the 'dose of luck' be with you!

$Peanuts & Crackerjack-Kumashiro's triple play

Masato Kumashiro makes a sensational, leaping grab in right-center field
to rob Jose Fernandez of an extra-base hit,

and then immediately fires the ball back to the cut-off man
to start a rare 9*-4-6*-3* triple play in the top of the 6th inning

in order to preserve the Lions’ 3-1 lead at Seibu Dome
on Friday, August 17, 2012 in Seibu Railway 100th Anniversary Series.

(* means recording a put out)