France used to lag behind Italy: until 2000, the total number of new manga titles published each year in Italy was five times higher than in France. But between 2000 and 2008, the supply of new manga titles in France increased by 567 percent, from 227 to 1288 .
フランスは、昔はイタリアに後れを取っていたものでした。 2000年までは、イタリアで毎年出版されるマンガの新刊本の合計数は、フランスより5倍も多いものでした。しかし、 2000年から2008年の間に、フランスでのマンガの新刊本の供給は567%だけ増え、227タイトルから1,288タイトルになりました。
The number of the books increased by 50 %.=1.5倍
The number of the books increased by 150 %.=1.5倍(日本人の通常の感覚では2.5倍)
The number of the books increased by 250 %.=2.5倍(日本人の通常の感覚では3.5倍)
χ≨ 100  P+P×χ÷100
χ≧100   P×χ÷100

A)結論から言いますと、あなたの考えが正しいと思います。私は初めて聞く話ですので、教科書がそんな間違いをするはずはないと思い、手元の資料を探しましたが、ヒントは見つかりません。ふとネットで調べてみようと思いました。googleでincrease by 100%で検索すると、出て来るわ、出て来るわ、びっくりしました。native speakerでもこの問題は間違える人が多いみたいですね。
たとえば、数学の専門家が答えていると思われるThe Math Forum ASK DR.MATH というサイトにこうあります。

Date: 7/23/96 at 8:57:37
From: Sue
Subject: Percentage of Increase
Dear Dr. Math,
My math question is about finding the percent of increase between two
We added memory to our computer system. We had 96 MB of main memory
and now with our new addition, we have 256 MB of main memory. I would
like to figure out what percent increase this represents.
Where should I begin?

Date: 7/23/96 at 13:21:6
From: Doctor Paul
Subject: Re: Percentage of Increase

One way to begin would be to estimate the percent increase, and
then solve for it exactly.
If you go from 100 MB of memory to 200 MB then you've increased it
by 100 percent, because the amount of the increase (100 MB) is 100%
of the original amount (100 MB).
That is... if you double your memory then you've increased it by
100 percent. If you add another 100 MB, you're adding another 100%
of the original amount, so you have a 200% increase, from 100 MB
to 300 MB.
In your case, you have gone from about 100 to about 250. Since 250
is halfway between 200 MB and 300 MB, you could guess that the answer
is about 150 percent. Does this make sense?
Now let's find the actual value.
I'm going to do a simple example first so you see how percentages
work. If I go from 100 MB to 105 MB, what is the percent increase?
In this case, the numbers are straightforward: the increase (5 MB) is
5 percent of the original amount (100 MB). But we can use a method
that will work even when the numbers aren't this tidy:
I ask: 100 times what number will give me 105?
100 * x = 105
x = 105 / 100

x = 1.05
Then I ask: What increase is that over 100%?
x - 1 = 1.05 - 1
= 0.05
= 5/100
= 5%
So I have an increase of 5%.
Now let's do the same thing with your numbers:
1) 96 * x = 256
x = 256 / 96
x = 2.67
2) x - 1 = 2.67 - 1
= 1.67
= 167/100
= 167%
which is pretty close to the original estimate of 150%. That gives us some
confidence that we have the right answer.

What does a 300 percent increase mean?
How is it possible for percent to include numbers higher than 100?
What does it mean for the percnet to be 100%

1288÷227 = 5.67
5.67 - 1 = 4.67
4.67×100 = 467
But between 2000 and 2008, the supply of new manga titles in France increased by 467  percent,from 227 to 1288.