世界のサラリーマンへ English | “Mind Resolve” ~ この国の人間の心が どこまでも晴れわたる空のように澄みきる日は もう訪れないのだろうか‥

     世界のサラリーマンへ   To businessman in the world

After all, ..".. , saying that Nothing was done for me"
Interstice of ..saying.. Toki wishes it to liberate from whereabouts today
Nobody is a repetition convinced that it is not possible to understand …….
Little bit tiredness and I mentally :.
There will not be in feelings that the end of the life visited, too.
Who why is effective? Who how became easy ?
Are not you any longer holding out so ?
Are not you having done until becoming tired so much ?
No one complains about that.
It is not a translation at all that has forgotten something.
Heel removes and is never alive in something.
No one hopes for such a way of life since beginning.
However, Anything seeming not to remain in me of today
It The body is only tired.
Become tired and ..".. ..awaking.. time that" can be said to oneself ..the remainder still..
Therefore, there is a hand, too and it is pedate. Eyes are seeing.
It is more completely more inconvenient than now and ..a little.. breath.. before it becomes it. might
..none of meaning the complaint..

Something holds out for someone that.
Having done doesn't become that much what.
However, have you only uselessly spent it ?
Tiredness and I physically : for a moment.
There is no in feelings to which the end of the life comes.
Who why is effective? Who how became easy ?
My who is alive at this time on this day of this age of now feeling something different also
Because there is no room on the body moved at this very moment
The contents The mind It hopes to liberate it from the tiredness.
It is not said, "Only have to go to the trip to the moon" for that.
It is not said, "It goes to the sea that no one knows and the song is recited".
Such a thing need not be done any longer.
However, Life given up to now uselessly
Throwing away only : ..should your stop because of becoming of it the felony...
Being pulled to the different world ..not suiting to the smell fellow with the foot..
To the generation who is keeping from after that There is no power where ..causing.. goes up more.
Showing To ……
Though it is boundless when it criticizes ..actually lead the body and important the pull, too..
Before arranging shoes taken off It is good ..only the switch... the switch for a moment
..death.. pulling out and deciding the role for myself Deciding the role to live : ..there is time how many value...

                          rock'n roll time!

                               taken from ”BAD LIFE ” 







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