It Questions Brogar on 50. in "Mind Resolve" | “Mind Resolve” ~ この国の人間の心が どこまでも晴れわたる空のように澄みきる日は もう訪れないのだろうか‥ room ∪・♀・∪69.. land
In and Brog of the other companies, there were these.
Making also of me putting because seem interest of it
  The text-only like the participation also of other people easily.
It copies, it puts on my Brog, and it fills the blanks.
・・・Are there this project and a copyright?
..the start from here for remembrance' sake.. to the last.
  It Questions Brogar on 50.  ...Try Me !
1 HN (handle name) and the origin?

2 The chance to have become Brogar?

3 The diary is written till then and ?.

4 Does it have HP? The genre?

5 The real pleasure of Brog?

6 Was it does Brog, write, and fresh?

7 Is there having met the person who got acquainted with Brog? Do you want to meet?

8 By the way, are you a Man or woman ? In which do you live?

9 Excuse me, about how many is Sai?

10 The occupation etc. ・・・ if it is all right

11 What is the hobby? Do you write in Brog?

12 Hama and recently. What is it?

13 Is Brog updated daily?

14 Is there recommended Brog?

15 How is interesting Brog excavated?

16 Are links of your Brog free?

17 Is the acquaintance of real reading your Brog?

18 Where is the homepage set?

19 Do you like net shopping? What did you buy and do it exist?

20 How many favorite sites enter?

21 What are a lot of genres in a favorite site with?

22 Is the messenger doing?

23 How much is the net connect time of a day?

24 What do you do on holiday?

25 "Wanting do on holiday what" Do you write considerably in Brog?

26 Has unpleasant thought because it Brogs and it writes?

27 To tell the truth, the update will be troublesome recently.

28 What color is a favorite color? The reason?

29 Whereabouts that it usually plays? (Roughly. )

30 Your "Sticking to"?

31 Is there a favorite manufacturer or a brand?

32 Where do you like as for the sports team?

33 What PC do you use? Is it ADSL?Light?

34 What is a favorite cake?

35 Do you eat with the revolving sushis most first?

36 A favorite fast food is a shop where.

37 Please teach a recommended book and one cartoon.

38 The point of today's fashion?

39 To what Brog do you want to make it in the future?

40 Pieces about how many does Brog of other people who see in a day :?

41 The impressive advertisement of your Brog please

42 Are you "What mania. "?

43 Is not it allowed to lack and is there the bought one?

44 Do when thinking because it Brogs and it writes?

45 How do you do if ruining comes fully to comment?

46 How do you do when Brog cannot be suddenly written tomorrow?

47 Is it a thirsty soul? Especially, liking it is ?.

48 It is Mo ? of what. can take the uninhabited island only one

49 What is Brog for you?

50 It is and in the end.

The track must back to the place of your friend, acquaintance, lover, and a favorite person.
However, this content is not in the chain mail.