What Is Azelaic Acid?

Azelaic acid is a dicarboxylic acid substance that is derived from a kind of yeast that exists on healthy skin, and also is also located in wheat, rye as well as barley. An artificial kind is used in skin care products.

Topical applications such as creams, lotion as well as foams are developed with this acid to successfully deal with skin disease such as mild-to-moderate acne, rosacea as well as hyperpigmentation.

What does azelaic acid provide for skin?

Azelaic acid addresses hyperpigmentation by lowering melanin production, an all-natural pigment in charge of producing color in the skin.

It efficiently inhibits the production of keratin (a protein located in skin, nails as well as hair) which protects against the build-up of dead skin cells that can trigger acne breakouts.

This acid can get rid of obstructed pores, and also as an antibacterial and also anti-inflammatory, can soothe the irritability as well as soreness brought on by imperfections or rosacea. By encouraging cell turnover, it rejuvenates skin as well as minimizes the look of scarring.

Azelaic acid vs. AHA as well as BHA

When considering benefits, azelaic acid can be compared to various other chemical-based acids. Instances are alpha hydroxy acids (AHAs) that include glycolic acid and lactic acid, as well as beta hydroxy acids (BHAs), such as salicylic acid. There are some differences amongst the three yet they do share similar traits.

Both AHAs and BHAs are very efficient at scrubing dead skin cells and debris from entraped pores. This peeling leads to a smoother skin tone and also more even skin tone. Nonetheless, while AHAs accelerate the skin's all-natural shedding process, BHAs permeate deeper right into the skin.

Azelaic acid is a milder treatment than either AHAs or BHAs and will as a result generate much less dramatic outcomes. Nevertheless, as a gentler treatment, it leads to fewer negative effects and also difficulties. It can also be layered with one more treatment such as retinol-- unlike AHAs and also BHAs-- as the combination would be as well harsh on skin and cause inflammation and also dryness.

Azelaic acid has antibacterial as well as anti-inflammatory properties to properly kill acne-causing bacteria, lower swelling as well as redness, and also recover acne pimples and blackheads.

Salicylic acid is an anti-inflammatory that can slough off dead skin cells and target red, irritated acne sores, however it can do little to attend to bacteria-- it is not an anti-bacterial.

Azelaic Acid Benefits and also Skin Care Makes Use Of

Azelaic acid is a skin care medicine that provides strong benefits in treating acne, rosacea, melasma and also hyperpigmentation. This lotion can:

Balance unequal skin tone

Calm sensitive skin

Fade hyperpigmentation

Heal pustules and also papules

Kill germs on the skin's surface

Open pores and also draw out debris

Decrease soreness

Minimize skin inflammation


Azelaic acid works at acne treatment as a result of its antikeratinizing, anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial buildings.

As a keratolytic, it works to soften and damage down the layers of dead skin cell buildup as well as debris that cause pimples as well as blackheads. This additionally avoids future acne outbreaks by prompting cell turnover and removing excess oil on skin.

As an antibacterial, it can target acne-causing bacteria, decrease inflammation, redness and also skin sensitivity.

Azelaic acid is a safe and tried and tested acne therapy: In 2 researches, 20% azelaic acid cream was shown to be much more efficient than 0.05% tretinoin cream as well as better endured.


Azelaic acid can efficiently treat postinflammatory hyperpigmentation-- dark spots or patches on the skin that arise from acne sores, aging as well as long term sun direct exposure.

This acid is a tyrosinase prevention which interferes with melanin manufacturing. With time, Azelaic Acid Powder dark cells are changed by fresh brand-new cells for an extra even complexion.


Like hyperpigmentation, melasma is a condition brought on by an overflow of melanin but it is normally the outcome of hormonal changes or excessive direct exposure to the sunlight. It can likewise be worsened by sunlight and warm exposure, and is seen more often in people with dark skin due to a greater visibility of melanin and melanosomes.

As a choice to hydroquinone, a skin-lightening agent, azelaic acid is associated with a lower degree of irritation as well as dry skin, that makes it a wise choice for those with dry, delicate or eczema-prone skin.

Azelaic acid is also frequently integrated with retinol and also is thought about a milder alternative to hydroquinone to take care of hard-to-treat melasma.

While azelaic acid can lower the look of hyperpigmentation, in darker skin, it could cause hypopigmentation, patches of skin that are lighter than the surrounding skin.


Rosacea is a persistent skin problem that typically impacts the face as well as causes redness, swelling as well as lesions. Azelaic acid's anti-inflammatory residential properties have been shown to efficiently treat these signs and symptoms and is authorized by the Fda (FDA) as a therapy for this problem.

As an antioxidant, this acid can counteract the cost-free radicals that harm skin cells as well as cause the swelling associated with rosacea. It is taken into consideration a first-line treatment in eliminating Demodex mites, a common trigger of rosacea.

Azelaic Acid Products

Azelaic acid is found over-the-counter (OTC) and in prescription strength in a number of formulas, including foams, creams and gels. The most generally recommended brands are Azelex, Skinoren and also Finacea.

The cream is available in toughness of 10-- 20%, gel in 10-- 15% and also 15% for the low-concentration foam.

Foams are typically prescribed for larger areas such as the breast, while gels and lotions are commonly applied to the face and also neck. Foams might likewise be prescribed for delicate skin kinds as they are known to create less painful and also irritability.

Prescription vs. OTC azelaic acid topicals

Your skin doctor will certainly consider your skin kind, problem and extent when choosing between an OTC or prescription medication.

Both OTC as well as prescription formulas are taken into consideration to be just as efficient; one is not better than the other. Nonetheless, it has been demonstrated that the gel tends to be a lot more effective than a cream-- even at a reduced concentration-- as they are much more easily soaked up right into the skin.

Just How to Utilize Azelaic Acid

Azelaic acid can be used by itself or contributed to your skin care regimen. Your medical professional will certainly encourage you to apply the item either one or two times a day. Prior to doing so, perform a spot examination to determine if you have any type of sensitivities.

Clean your confront with a mild face clean and also rub dry

Apply a thin layer of azelaic acid cream; stay clear of the eye area

Laundry your hands well

Permit the medication to dry

Apply moisturizer and continue with your routine skin treatment regimen

To prevent additional bothersome your skin, do not overuse your medicine as well as ensure you use it sparingly. Prevent severe alcohol-based cleansers or printer toners, or rough exfoliants as this can cause inflammation as well as inflammation.

With correct application and also consistent skin treatment, you ought to see outcomes within 4-6 weeks.

Who should avoid making use of azelaic acid?

Avoid making use of azelaic acid if you are expecting, thinking about conceiving, or breastfeeding. If you have bronchial asthma or are vulnerable to fever blisters, talk with your physician first before using this product.

Azelaic acid might additionally create hypopigmentation in those with darker skin tones as well as need to therefore be used biolyphar.com with care.

Azelaic Acid Safety And Security and also Negative Effects

It's moderate, azelaic acid can trigger skin irritability, specifically at initial usage. Negative effects consist of skin level of sensitivity, dry skin, tingling, shedding, stinging, redness or peeling. Much more significant negative effects can consist of blistering or flaking of skin, swelling, hives as well as itching, tightness of joints, high temperature or difficulty breathing.


As a result of its light nature, azelaic acid can be incorporated with many other topical products such as retinoids, vitamin C and alpha hydroxy acids. In many cases, skin can establish level of sensitivity, consequently it is suggested to prevent alcohol-based cleansers or printer toners, and unpleasant or peeling agents.

Azelaic Acid Alternatives

There are choices to azelaic acid but they normally have to be integrated with various other treatments in order to accomplish comparable results.

Octadecenedioic acid, likewise a dicarboxylic acid compound, has antibacterial properties and also is a skin lightener to properly deal with acne and hyperpigmentation.

Dental anti-biotics such as tetracycline have solid anti-inflammatory and also antimicrobial homes to target acne as well as rosacea. However, they are incapable to deal with hyperpigmentation.

Hydroquinone, a known skin-lightening representative, can efficiently treat hyperpigmentation as well as melasma, however would need to be integrated with other medicines in order to handle rosacea or acne.


Azelaic acid is a multitasking compound that is highly reliable in treating acne, rosacea, hyperpigmentation and melasma. This is because of its antioxidant,