Fermen Station

                                     Tody's lecture was about Fermen Station!


What is Fermen Station.

 It means "Station of fermentatin". It expresses their desire to be like a station where various resouces are transformed through the use of fermentation technology.

It was born out of the idea that it woud be interesting to make better use of the world's overflowing garbage, and also out of the desire to create a company that combines business and social aspects.


The president is Ms. Rina Saki 

She wa fascinated by the fermentation technology of making fuel from food waste, and at the age of 32, she re-entered university to study fermentation technology and has developed a business producing and selling rice ethanol from  rice!


Their company's product not only contribute to reduce waste, but also good for the body!


always thought that we need to reduce garbage but did not know what exactly we shoud do.