Throughout the world, adherents of the Vedic culture believe that before considering a marriage, an astrologer should correspond to the horoscopes of the potential pair. The future of the bride and groom is predicted using birth cards and global alignments in a traditional Kundli correspondence for marriage known as 



. Eight factors, including happiness, fertility and longevity, are tested for Kundli compatibility.


Our society has progressed to such an extent that girls and boys are now choosing their partners on their own. Educated people consider the corresponding kundli marriage as per out Hindu Astrology tradition, which is in fact an old science, as pseudo-science. There is a general belief that when it comes to marriage, girls and guys know what they want best. This statement is supported by the high success of love marriages. The argument argues that Gun Milan does not have any application in the modern world.


In correspondence with Kundli, potential stellar maps of the bride are examined by an astrologist, and some components are examined and combined to examine their overall effects by the groom. Eight classes are often paired in kundli for the weddingwhich knowns as Marriage Matching. They are Varna Koota (social compatibility), Vashya Koota (control, agreeableness), Dina Koota (health, family happiness), Yoni Koota (sexual attraction), Graha Maitram (mental affection), Ghana Koota (character compatibility), Rasi Koota (many general indications), and Nadi Kooa (physiological matching, offspring). If the Kundli pairing can score 18 points or more out of a possible 36 Ashta Koota match points, it is regarded as an excellent match.


The conventional process of Marriage Matching as per Hindu Astrology, however, cannot assure a long, happy and prosperous marriage without problems of infidelity and commitment.


Also, love marriages do not guarantee this. In general, amorous marriages are more open to friendships and relationships which do not lead to marriage. And even if the marriage ends in divorce, the individual could continue and even flourish. In marriages organised after Gun Milan the couple are united in spirit and purpose, and it is expected that they will succeed as a pair.


The astrologer will recommend remedies to ensure a happy married life if a couple who is in love and wants to get married in a conventional manner is unable to achieve the required score in kundli matching.



Doing Gana Dosha work


The tension situations that emerge during the Gun Milan for the wedding are primarily caused by Gana Dosha. The whimsical compatibility score is what it is. When the man and the girl have a strong personality and are aggressive, weddings can be tough. It is the individuals' responsibility to try to be as patient and logical as possible if Kundli Milan does not provide a satisfactory score. You can be more constructive by keeping your mind open and engaging in mind-body exercises like yoga.


Similar to that, a love union Yoga is crucial in Kundli Marriage Matching because it gives the girl and the boy insights into aspects of life that are outside the romantic radar such as adultery, infertility, health and life.


Four houses the fifth, seventh, eighth and eleventh are carefully examined in a kundli correspondence to predict the yoga of a loving marriage in a person's life. The planets Mars, Venus, Rahu, Moon, Mercury, and the signs Scorpion, Cancer, and Pisces all greatly influence Yog's effects. Longing, love, rage, temperament, friendship and other ethereal qualities can already be known to partners in a love marriage as per Hindu Astrology. However, learning more about the love Yoga in kundli corresponding to marriage will allow you to understand it more clearly and better equip you to handle it in emergency situations.



That said, nothing can interfere with the power of love, and that is fundamentally true. A Gun Milan helps the person get perspective and better prepare to confront the world, which frequently delights in seeing fantasies crushed under the weight of reality, rather than making them kneel down or having to ignore sceptics' comments.


Consequently, a free Kundli correspondence can be helpful. However, it can only go to a certain extent, because it is the individuals who ultimately decide whether it will be a love marriage or an arranged union. Marriage is a lifetime relationship that inevitably goes through ups and downs. The journey can be fantastic if you find the right kindred spirit.


You should not worry about the Marriage Compatibility in Love if you are sure that you are with the appropriate person. You need to remember that the choice is yours. No Kundli can stop you if the guy and the girl are really devoted to each other and have the will to disprove sceptics. Traditional and extremely adaptable Marriage Compatibility in love for the wedding. There are options available for couples who are in love in the case of a mismatched relationship.



Nadi/Bhakoot dosha


In correspondence with Kundli, Bhakoot guna carries 7 points, and Nadi carries 8 points. In a Kundli matchmaking table, it is regarded as a default if one of these two has 0 points. Each person's horoscope reveals his Nadi based on the position of the Moon in a number of constellations, or Nakshatra at the time of their birth. When identical nodes are present at the bride and groom, a score of 0 is added, and Nadi Dosha is reported to have formed. If they have single nodes in relation to each other, the total of points is increased by 8. In other words, the position of the Moon during your birth may not be the same as yours. However, there are numerous pages and chants to perform at Gun Milan in order to lessen the impact of their dosha.