ハーイ Hey there!

It's so cold already, it's freezing. It's going to snow for sure, this winter.

Let's start the Photolog!


On train. You can notice the dirty windows ww.

Pictures taken around Pisa















Focaccia con cecina, ww Tastyyy.


Straitjackets still in progress! I finished working on them during the night before the Con, and the morning.... too bad. /selfslap/ but they came out good, I was satisfied.









I took very few pictures orz

...but Fu took pics of me taking pictures at other people w. I make the weirdest positions...


Stuff bought during the Con...






My worn out face just after the Con w, sorry, everyday I was so tired when I arrived at the hotel...


bonus pic? fufufu


Breakfast pic took on the last day actually. hotel.


Swallowtails getting ready to migrate, right after Milan Central Station. Amazing... Reaaaaalllllyyy amazing!! I was so lucky to see them. /Happy





新照れちゃうまーくん that's all! Take care and have a good day!
猫 Hello, it's been a long while!

I don't know what to write tho'? w but I uploaded 3 pics of a kitty found sleeping under a tree at my Grandma's place.




He was very young, but definetely not afraid of us! He let us play with him, and pet him later.

The basket was meant to be used for collect some grape, but after walking inside, the kitty just nuzzled up and stayed there ww.

His mommy-cat kept an eye on us all the time, when she noticed we were there.

Despite her kitten playing with us, she didn't want to come nearer. 泣いちゃうまーくん

I think she wasn't happy; after that day we never saw the kitten again... (´∩`。)

Daddy-cat was most probably the cat of the neighbour. He watched us for a while but he was even more distrustful and ran away. 影薄いまーくん

I got back few times from then, but I only saw daddy-cat resting around the garden.


I hope he's all right, and to see him again one day, all grown up! 肉球 白

crystal* snow 雪の結晶 スノーパターン 雪の結晶 雪 スノーパターン

Yesterday 雪だるま 昨日





Today 雪うさぎ 今日






Snowflakes makes me feel happy to be alive. (´∀`)

My camera isn't good at all for taking macro pictures.. orz

Have a nice day きらきら

crystal* snow 雪の結晶 スノーパターン 雪の結晶 雪 スノーパターン