☆キラキラ★World│My Days♪│My Dreams♥ -2ページ目

☆キラキラ★World│My Days♪│My Dreams♥

i love cello and pianpゞ∀・♪
love to play some love game,welcome to chat with me!

P.Edward"What's the matter?"

I answered nervously.

(Please make a selection.)

A:You don't normally wear frilly shirts?ハート

B:Maybe we should have brought security after.

-If u chose B-

Diane"Well...it would have been best for us to bring bodyguards.It would have been safter..."

Prince Edward suddenly looked sad.

P.Edward"You don't feel safe with just me?"

Diane"Of...of course I di!I don't mind either way,but Prince Edward,you are the one most a risk of something happening..."

He sexpression was srious,and he was flexing his hands slightly.

I'd trailed off without noticing,and he turned and threw me one of his usual gentle smiles.

P.Edward"Diane,you always put yourself second...please be kinder to yourself."

P.Edward"You are the person who deserves kindness."

(I never thought about being kind to myself before...)

Diane"Mayby...but...I want to protect you first..."

P.Edward"Well then,I shall protect you."

-If u chose A-

Diane"So...you don't usually wear things likt that?Frilly shirts or such..."

I asked in a slightlly roundabout manner,and Prince Edwaed giggled.

P.Edward"Frilly shirts as everyday clothing?"

P.Edward"I suppos that would live up to my people's expectations somewhat more...."

Diane"You seem very much like a perfect prince from a painting..."

Diane"I think you must have to bear the expectation and wishes of the people..."

P.Edward"I never thought that I could be seen as an exemplary royal prince in a paiting."

Diane"I think 'ideal' is a better word."

P.Edward"That is a great compliment."

P.Edward"However...I do feel from our conversation that there is a gulf between the royal chambers abd the people..."

P.Edward"I think I will need to reflect on this further later."

He looked down at the ground slightly frowning."

Diane"When you reflect...try thinking of the gap as spare room for dream.'Gulf' is a lonely word."

Diane"And I think the distance between the royal office and the people has its own meaning."

P.Edward"Space for dreaming..."

P.Edward"What a wonderful notion."

Diane'Being close isn't necessarily always great."

Diane"Sometime you can only really understand and accept rach other and your interactions when you are apart,don't you think?"

He nodded slowly.

P.Edward"So you have both a beautiful heart and intelligence."

Diane"I really did appoint a wonderful person as my advisor."


And with that,Prince Edward stopped and slowly removed his hat.

He pulled it down firmly over my head.

ハートTo Be Continued...ハート

We got out of the taxi and started wandering the streets of the town,surrounded by youth wearing all kind of fashions.

(I hope it's okay that he came out without guards...)

Prince Edward's height alone was bound to draw attention.

On top of that,he wasn't wearing a disguise of any kind,so if people realized he was the prince and strated gathering around.

(Somehow...I don't think I'll make a very good bodyguard...)

Prince Edward peered into my face,breaking my reverie.

P.Edward."What's the matter?You look worried..."

Diane"Well...it's just...maybe it isn't such a good idea for the prince pf Charles Kingdom to be walking around without a bodyguard..."

P.Edward"It seems fine.Look,the people passing by don't ever notice me."

I glanced at the other prople on the sidewalk,and surprisedly none of them were even looking us.

Diane"That's ture..."

P.Edward"Nobody's expecting me to look so rough in public."

P.Edward"I sometime deel as though everybody expects me to clothe myself in silks and velvets,even behind the scenes."

As his words,and image popped up in my mind unbidden.

Prince Edward,wearing a frilly silk shirt,with a rose in his breast pocket.

(...That really...is a little disturbing...)

ハートTo Be Continued...ハート


P.Edward"Oh, of course...when you go to town, you’re supposed to walk arm in arm, right?"

Prince Edward blushed slightly.

(Somehow, I get the feeling...that he doesn't really go into town often.)

We left the castle through the back gate and got into a taxi.

Diane"What did you tell Louis?"

P.EdwardI told him that I would be taking a nap and asked him not to enter my room."

Diane"Huh...? You couldn't tell him the truth?"

P.Edward"...He's a very loyal and excellent butler, but he can be too serious at times."

P.Edward"If he knew I was going into town without a guard..."

He put his hand to his forehead and frowned.

P.Edward"He'd insist on coming along."

(Coming along...?)

P.Edward"And then it wouldn’t be a date, would it?"

He tilted his head to the side and laughed.

Diane"Are you sure it's okay to go out!?"

P.Edward"Louis needs to take a break sometimes too. If I'm working, he needs to be working too, remember."

(Oh, that's true.)

P.Edward"So, there is absolutely nothing for you to be concerned about, Diane."

(I feel like he’s gone so far out of his way to help me...)

Diane"Thank you very much."

I smiled politely.

P.Edward"I'm planning on enjoying this break."

P.Edward"So...I have to ask you to enjoy it, too."

Diane"Enjoy it...?"

P.Edward"Yes...since it's a date."

He grinned at me mischievously.

ハートTo Be Continued...ハート