Academic research conference in uk, an international organization for Research Development, aims at providing a platform for innovative academicians around the world for the last 12 years. The U.K. and Australia are our regional offices.

ARICON, International Research Conference in uk & Development (R&D), has been providing a platform for innovative academicians & researchers from around the world for 14 years. ARICON has taken a global approach to its work and expanded its activities around the world.

 ARICON is a conference that focuses on Multidisciplinary Studies in uk. It also hosts close to 1,500 researchers and scholars in the areas of BUSINESS, TECHNOLOGY and EDUCATION.

Young and old from Europe, Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Australia and North America have the unique opportunity to exchange knowledge and experience at ARICON international conferences. ARICON is proud that it hosts the best multidisciplinary conferences. This allows scholars from many disciplines to come together and discover new ideas and concepts.

Multidisciplinary studies allow for the elimination of the barriers to understanding and comprehending a wider range of disciplines. It also allows participants to improve their skills in evaluation and rethink their thinking process. Participants learn many different methods and logical approaches in multidisciplinary events.

 They can then choose the most appropriate one for their particular situation. Multidisciplinary Studies in us conferences, a strength of ARICON allow delegates to establish business or research relations and to discover international linkage to facilitate future collaborations in different cross-disciplines.

Published Research Papers

Moreover, ARICON international conferences offer extended opportunities for publishing the presented research in highly-respected research journals that are well-respected in the  research paper publication and publication world. 

The papers presented at ARICON conferences are considered for publication by ARICON partner journals on a priority basis. ARICON publishes all papers presented at conferences with ISBN registrations by Nelsen U.K. and The British Library. All published research papers can also be viewed on the ARICON website. ARICON believes in inclusion and considers papers and research in progress from students.

Your research papers published with Applied Research International Conferences can help make your work more searchable. They are published in the journal and also made available online by ARICON. Members of the ARICON fraternity receive regular updates and newsletters. 

ARICON's partnered journals are placed in prestigious academic conference libraries such as The University of Oxford's Bodleian Library and The University of Cambridge's Central Library, U.K., along with other British and international universities libraries. These published papers can be a source of significant contribution to improving the discipline as well as career advancement.