Ookay so, it's been a long long long time since I last attempted to post on here.

I don't know why.. maybe because I was... busy? Definitely not. Probably just lazy...

A lot has happened in the last few months.

School ended, summer began and ever since then all I did was wish for sound and stare at a computer screen, really.

BUT, at the beginning of this month, I had a very pleasant... Surprise?

Eh, no... not really. It wasn't a surprise because I knew it was happening...

But I did go to see D'espairsRay in concert! It was amazing!

Since I live in America, I don't get to see bands like them very often. Its very disappointing.

Now, I get to see Dir en Grey in less then two weeks... and school starts in three days.

Not looking forward to that...

I've had this blog for quite a while now... I might as well post, right?

As you can see, I speak english. I only speak a little Japanese.

Very very very little. Not enough.

That's about all I have to say for now...
