Aratori: Silent Street Music

Aratori: Silent Street Music

It's generally defined to be "a musical performance to be played in a local space, in silence outside of headphones etc. without nuisance,
through which both of performers and audience (who want to listen) listen to the performed sound.

2012.10.06 Silent Street Music

The second day of TSUTAYA Higashi Ikebukuro.
Resemblance of silent street music and beggars.
Discommunication within the internal.

with no audience for 95% of the time,
with about 1000 customers to which I greeted.

-- Silent street music is like nothing entity in this society where everyone expresses something with noise. After 1980 there might not be beggars. because people do not give money to them.

Beggars do not force people to give them money, but wait passively to be given money. Silent street music also does not force people to listen to, but wait to be listened. Silent street music tries to reconstruct something which has been desappeared in this about 30 years, while using new media.

-- A girl about 10 years old listened wearing wireless headphones while watching me. Her daddy came, with saying "Let's leave!" She shaked her head and continued to listen to. He stood within 1m to me, but did not see me at all. He said again "Le's leave!" with a little anger. After they repeated 3 times, they left. However, she and I waved hands each other slightly and other people did not notice it.

-- Young couple came. The male listened wearing wireless headphones, with his smile and startling face. The female came near and listend, but took off it less than 3 seconds. The headphone need 3 seconds for power on. She bursted out laughing, with expressing like "Don't tease me. It's not sounding". They left.

I forcus this discommunication within the internal. If the discommunication occurs, one cannot persuade other.

$Aratori: Silent Street Music

$Aratori: Silent Street Music

2012.10.05 Silent Street Music

The first day of TSUTAYA Higashi Ikebukuro
Good Evening! Thank you very much!
Even if no sound outside, you may see what the sound is.
Difficulty and advantage of the silent street inside shop.

5pm-, 6pm-, 7pm-, 9pm- 10pm-
with no audience for 98% of the time

It's inside of the shop, I performed with a little smile, while saying "Good Evening! Thank you very much".

A big hypothesis of silent street music is that even if no sound outside, someone may see what the sound is.

To perform silent street music in shops is difficult. If on the street we have freedom of variety of performance, but in shops we have to cope with the object of the shop.

A merit of silent street music in shops is that there is possibility of customer's understanding in calm situation.
2012.09.26 + 09.28 Silent Street Music "the method of breathing at Autumn"

2012.09.26(Wed)5:10pm-7:50pm, Sanjo-Big-Bridge
2012.09.28(Fri)6pm-8pm, Sanjo-Big-Bridge

-- At the first time after Autumn equinox, I changed the method of mind and breathing. It's the method of breathing at Autumn.

Every a breathing in-out, I stare at something for 2-3 seconds while stopping my breathing and movement of my body; then breathe in; then move actively a little; then breathe out.

-- About 10 buses, in which junior high school students rode for their school excursion, stopped one after another at traffic signal in front of my performance. All students of my side of the bus laughed at me. There were many shouted at me after opening windows.

I felt that I waved hands at them, but I thought that there's no duty for animals in zoo to do that (laught!).

Silent Street becomes more and more famous by such events.
2012.09.16 Silent street music "Discussion about religion and wall"

At Sanjo Big Bridge south-east corner, 6pm-8pm, with no audience 65% of the time.

Two young couples came one after another. In a couple, they took pictures each other with me playing in silence, taking a long time, and another couple did the same. Two couples of course didn't know each other.

Tonight there are a lot of people because of Sunday before holiday. At first, about 95% of the time no one listened to my performance, but I had a long discussion, so about 65% no audience.

A young female came and listened to my performance through wireless headphones. While she was listening, a male, may be a priest guessed by his head, came. He didn't listened, but may have curiosity on me.

After I finished the performance by showing ending and the young female clapped a little, he talked to me, and the discussion began.

"I studied the science of religion. About 10 years ago, it changed from researching spirituality of doctrine into researching that social communication about religion makes spirituality. Probably it's because of Aum group".

I said, "Concerning about religion, performers have been sharman mediating between God and people, but I think it's disappearing. My silent street music has double fields, that is, internal field with headphones and external field without headphones. External one cannot know internal one".

He said, "Religion so far have been having wall - you cannot enter easily. But new religion says that it's easy to enter inside the wall"

"Yes, my silent street have the wall, and almost all people cannot enter, but it's just wearing headphones like her".

A young female said, "Silent street music is like Kyoto. I'm from other district".

(From tweet by someone)

Silent street music without nuisance (laugh!)

A guy played an air keyboard having a sign "Silent street music without making nuisance" at Sanjo station. I looked his eyes by chance and laughed at his triumphant face. I gave in.

There was a person "Silent street music without nuisance. Please listen to by wireless headphones!" Novelty!
2012.09.13 Silent Street Music

At Sanjo Big Bridge south-east corner, 6:30pm-8pm, with no audience 75% of the time.

(From tweet by someone)

*A lot of youth in Kyoto. Oh, "silent street music without making nuisance"...Headphones are there...It's Kyoto.

*A street musician playing keyboard in silence...Novelty!!

*"Silent street music" playing at Sanjo is very scary.
2012.09.12 Silent Street Music
"An artist should not play in airconditioned space!"
"Playing piano while feeling with fingers and feet"
"Essentially isolated and severe live performance"

At Sanjo Big Bridge south-east corner, 6pm-8pm, with no audience 75% of the time.

While I reach the place of performing Silent Street Music, I feel most mental burden. There were two policeperson on the north side of the bridge. I know they say nothing to me, but it's a sort of burden. I have to greet them "Hello, I will perform without making nuisance". However, the world changes when I started to play (laughs).

For the first time in several months I met a man selling The Big Issue Japan. I said "I play nowadays in the underground town Zest" so, he said,

"It may be cool in the underground town". It means it's hot here.

"An artist should not play in airconditioned space!"

A street band began to play in loud sound near here. I hear that sound is louder than me in my headphones. However, like a song by Theta

Even if my song is erased by noise of town,
if it storms all over the globe,
I will continue to sing.

Also, I have a habit to play piano with while feeling with fingers and feet.

After a long time, I met Kei or a rock singer who had wrote an article about me. He understood the essence of Silent Street.

-------------- Quote
Even if no one listens to your silent street music, you should continue to play in solitude, high quality of performance. Often, street musicians play as like an practice. Such a thing is not allowed to play silent street. Essentially isolated and severe live performance.

Yes, while no one listens, it's the typical silent street music.

(From tweet by someone)

*There was a musician playing street music in silence at Sanjo Big Bridge. What does he want to do?

*Silent street music without nuisance. What does he want to express?
2012.09.09 Jazz Mobile Stand

When I played jazz blues with my mobile piano while stepping, walking, smiling and saying "Welcome to Zest", a guard laughed a lot.

It's because I seriously played jazz piano but with communication or advertising. It's something artistic. Art caused a laugh, I think.

When I played my mobile piano, a young man began to scat with me.
"Do you play a wind instrument or something?"
"Yes, some".
He must be a jazz musician.
Autumn Yin
It is now two weeks before the Autumnal Equinox.
The speed​ towards the Yin is the fastest on the day.
Left-right balance is poor.
Balance of quarter notes and eighth notes is poor.
How to solve them is in this video.

2012.09.05 Jazz Mobile Stand

At Gokomachi squeare and Kawaramachi squeare in Zest Oike, underground shopping town in Kyoto.

I played as usual my mobile digital piano while stepping my feet like drumer's hihat, walking, playing bass sound with left hand, piano sound with right hand, and handing cards of "Gokomachi art square", and saying "Welcome to Zest" and so on.

I played three day successively mobile piano hard, so my neck has a little ache when my head leans to the right. It's because my mobile piano goes left side and my body turns a little to the left side.

An old lady watched and said to me,

"How beautiful sound you play with such an instrument!"

She probably believes electric or digital piano has bad sound. However, nowadays digital piano instrument has been improved, and it depends on how I play.
At Gokomachi square and Kawaramachi square in Zest Oike, underground shopping town in Kyoto.

I played as usual my mobile piano while stepping my feet and walking.

Piano is a typical instrument being fixed. Performer's waist is fixed, so pianists may have bad rhythm.

Pianist should play piano while walking.

One of my facebook friends came by chance and began to take photos of me. He asked to me, "Do you make money by playing piano?"

Of course no. But an artist should climb the art mountain that have not ever climbed.

I play while walking, so audience flow. It leads to flow performer and flow audience. Occasionally, several-seconds flow field of music is made and disappear and is made... People come and go and come..., so flow field is changing and kept.