Sodium Erythorbate mainly rice as the main raw material, production for microbial fermentation products. E316 antioxidant: Sodium Erythorbate antioxidant capacity than vitamin C and sodium far, no vitamins to strengthen the role, but E316 will not hinder the bodys absorption and utilization of sodium ascorbate. Uptake of E316 in the human body can be transformed into vitamin C.

Sodium Erythorbate for the food industry, an important antioxidant preservative, can keep food color, natural flavor, extend shelf life, and Sodium Erythorbate without any side effects, in the food industry, Sodium Erythorbate is mainly used for meat products, fruits, vegetables, canned , jam, beer, soft drinks, tea, fruit juice, wine. Sodium Erythorbate Storage and transport: E316 ventilation should be stored in airtight, dry, dark warehouse, not mixed together with toxic substances, transport and storage requirements of the same. China < provides E316 for bread noodles. Maximum use of 0.2g/kg, for soup, meat maximum use of 0.5g/kg.

Sodium Erythorbate of the physiological role:
Sodium Erythorbate in the role of ascorbic ascorbic acid is only 1 / 20; but the Sodium Erythorbate in lowering blood pressure, diuretic, liver glycogen to generate pigment excretion, detoxification and other aspects of the role of E316, roughly the same as with ascorbic acid.